We Need to Raise Awareness and Respect

Quote of the Day

The prohibited person’s access to the firearm was obtained as a result of an unlawful entry, provided that the unauthorized access or theft of the firearm is reported to a local law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction in which the unauthorized access or theft occurred within five days of the time the victim of the unlawful entry knew or reasonably should have known that the firearm had been taken.

State of Washington 69th Legislature, 2025 Regular Session
January 2, 2025

See also: Gun owners could be charged with felonies if firearm gets stolen under new proposed bill.

These criminals* are trying to remove the above “does not apply if” clause from the safe storage law. The safe storage law is already bad enough and probably going to be struck down as being unconstitutional. But now, if a prohibited person unlawfully enters your home or vehicle, steals your firearm(s), then you become a criminal. You have committed a misdemeanor as soon as the criminal gains access. If they use them in a felon crime, you can also be changed with a felony.

If you have the firearm(s) “properly” stored in your vehicle then that does not apply. But “properly stored” means:

(a) A person shall not store or leave a pistol in any vehicle unless (i) the pistol is stored unloaded in a container that is opaque, locked, hard-sided, and affixed within the vehicle, (ii) the container is concealed from view from outside the vehicle, and (iii) the vehicle is locked.

(b) A person shall not store or leave a rifle or shotgun in any vehicle unless (i) the rifle or shotgun is stored unloaded in a container that is opaque, locked, hard-sided or soft-sided, and affixed within the vehicle, (ii) the container is concealed from view from outside the vehicle, and (iii) the vehicle is locked.

(c) A rifle or shotgun stored in a soft-sided container in a vehicle in accordance with this subsection must also have a trigger lock or similar device that is designed to prevent the unauthorized use or discharge of the firearm installed on the rifle or shotgun while the firearm is stored in a soft-sided container.

(d) For the purpose of this subsection, a hard-sided container excludes a glove compartment or center console but includes a console vault or other container specifically designed to securely store firearms.

So, they want to make is so you must have handgun and long gun cases affixed in your vehicles. Otherwise, you could not stop to pick up some ammo as you left town on a hunting trip. And unless you carry your competition gun into the store to grab a case of water on your way to a match you risk becoming a criminal.

They have zero concern for this blatant violation of the Second Amendment. We need some prosecutions to raise awareness and respect.

I look forward to their trials.

* Representatives Doglio, Walen, Ryu, Ramel, Farivar, Berry, Leavitt, Alvarado, Mena, Duerr, Reed, Parshley, Fitzgibbon, Callan, Macri, Cortes, Obras, Gregerson, Simmons, Peterson, Rule, Street, Goodman, Wylie, Pollet, Nance, Berg, Davis, Ormsby, Lekanoff, Fosse, Salahuddin, Hill, and Tharinge.


4 thoughts on “We Need to Raise Awareness and Respect

  1. Well, nobody said the communist weren’t persistent. I would bet you a $100 dollars against a horse turd they have a lot worse laws than that planned for gun owners.
    Communism is a religion of domination. Dog collared, ball strapped in your mouth, naked on all fours. And them holding the leash.
    2A? Heller? Bruen? F-you, were in charge. You will be defenseless before us.
    This isn’t about law. And never has been. Even though that’s the only way we’re allowed to fight it.
    Enforcement is key. And with communists, it only gets worse.
    Remember reading how in the end Hitler was commanding division he no longer had? Writing non-sensical edits no one could follow?
    So will the Washington state legislators. And communist, anywhere they’re found.

  2. 2nd Amendment violations aside, any statute that in any way defines “being a victim of a criminal act” as itself a criminal act, should be automatically unconstitutional.

    If someone unlawfully and/or forcefully enters your home and steals your stuff, by definition you did not willingly allow them to have it. That the “stuff” might include a firearm should make no difference. Anyone familiar with security will tell you, nothing is truly secure; given enough time and effort, any security measure can and will be overcome.

    They don’t hold car owners responsible for what a criminal who steals their car does with it. (Well, sometimes they try; automatic red-light cameras and speed-monitoring license plate readers often do not care who’s driving.) A car owner is only responsible for what happens when they are in control of the car.

    But as we’ve seen many, many times, guns are different … because guns are different.

    This “does not apply” clause may be the only thing that made the “safe storage” law Constitutionally salvageable (it’s still not, IMO, but you have to convince some judges, not me); a gun owner would not be held criminally liable for someone else’s criminal act against him/her. Removing that safety should be an automatic disqualifier, both for the bill and the person who authored it.

  3. Laws like these tend to sneak past most judges because they don’t infringe on your rights DIRECTLY but in a back door sneaky fashion. So they may survive judicial appeals. Regardless…there will BE NO TRIALS.

  4. Maybe we need a Constitutional amendment to accommodate substantial penalties for “statutory inversion of Constitutional purpose.”

    Or, at least a subsidiary Supreme Court to fast track laws passed in violation of Constitutional principles. If legislatures are stupid enough to pass, and governors stupid enough to sign, blatantly anti-Constitutional statutes we should be able to overturn then in a couple weeks, not have to suffer under them for several years.

    As to a longer term solution to that particular problem, I’ll leave that to the readers’ imagination.

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