Quote of the Day
It really is crazy.
The owner of the gun is probably enjoying all the fuss, but I bet he’d rather just have a normal sized penis.
Stephen Geary @sag1015
Posted on X, January 23, 2024
It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday; it is another science denier (see also here)!
We have a 100s of millions of guns, billions of rounds of ammunition, a specific enumerated right, and SCOTUS decisions to back it all up.
Yet, he thinks we have feelings of inadequacy. I think he is projecting and/or knows that the best he can bring to show and tell are childish insults.
I know, it’s pretty disconcerting to not have a normal sized penis as a rifle owner. My oversized unit is constantly getting in the way when I’m trying to go prone for a long-range shot at a Boomershoot target.
So, this….?