Quote of the Day
It would be useful if state violence extended to killing gun freaks
rumtytum @rumtytum
Tweeted on June 4, 2022
This is what they think of you. They want you dead.
And, of course, they want someone else to do their dirty work for them. They want the state to kill the people they don’t like. Also, note that it is an entire class of people they want dead. Considering people as individuals on a case-by-case basis would take too long.
Communism is a crime against humanity.
Well, Rummy has the talk’in part done. Now for the work.
Like the meme guy says after he gets real close. “Your terms are acceptable.”
And what would his reaction be to Barry Goldwater’s famous quote from 1964, when Barry Goldwater said, “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!”
It’s interesting:
These socialists have been in control of government for so long that they forget any thing else is possible. Hence they favor government violence, censorship, intimidation, and of course funding… the basis of socialism.
Things appear to be about to change. If they do:
I expect we are about to see the left demanding privacy, and yes, even gun rights (for felons, sex offenders, etc.) Going to be very instructive….
Every single day the communist left proves there can be no coexistence with them. And we are fools for thinking it possible. We need to accept that it’s NOT possible and act accordingly. The same can be said for the evil that is islam.