People Have their Own Falsehoods

Quote of the Day

Democrats didn’t like what voters told them on election night, and they don’t seem to like hearing what they have to say to each other in the fallout. 

If they want to avoid defeat and become a reasonable party again, they will have to learn how to listen to each other, and their voters, again. 

Max Thornberry
November 24, 2024
Democrats turn on each other in battle for soul of the party

I get it that reality is tough. But reality eventually wins.

This gets back to something I have been saying for years. There is a process by which one can determine truth from falsity. Many people not only don’t use a process, but they also can’t comprehend that such a process exists.

For some people truth is what they believe. Many people have beliefs which not only lack evidence but are in despite of evidence. They may not say this explicitly, but they use phrases that mean that. My “favorites” are variations of “people have their own truths.”

It would be more accurate to say, “people have their own falsehoods.” There is some ultimate truth “out there.” But frequently it is tough, really tough, to get at it. Some people have beliefs much closer to truth/reality, but ultimately it boils down to people believe different falsehoods.

Just because everyone is “wrong” it does not mean everyone is equally wrong. I think this truth escapes the majority of the Democrat Party leaders. They can correctly find flaws in the in their political opponents’ beliefs. This does not mean the Democrat Party belief system is correct or even better.


5 thoughts on “People Have their Own Falsehoods

  1. The important things are simple. The simple things are HARD!

    The easy, obvious way is a trap.

    See Murphy’s Rules of Combat for the rest of the list.

  2. Many Dems/libs/commies/lefties cannot poke holes in the conservative/Repub / right wing beliefs because their mental models of what the right believes is a 2-D caricature of what the actual beliefs are. They can poke holes only in the straw-man image of the real positions. Many of them honestly believe that objective facts and reality don’t actually exist in anything connected to the political / human realm.

  3. Leftists are in many ways like children. They want what they want regardless of facts or even reality. And very often they don’t really know what it is they actually want. They just aren’t happy with what is. So they act out thinking that it will get them what they want. Sadly too often that works…

  4. Pingback: Your Truth – Area Ocho

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