Make Believe Psychology Degree

Quote of the Day

That Mr “Tactical” combined that truly ridiculous man-spreading/crotch shot with all those guns is a blatant confession that he has a very tiny penis & he’s really self-conscious about it.

Sometimes a cigar *isn’t* just a cigar…how many phallic symbols does this guy need?

Kim Votes Blue @nkanow
Posted on X, November 20, 2023

It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier (see also here)!

Everyone should know by now that Freud was wrong about the whole penis envy thing. She must have received her psychology degree from the back of a cereal box.


4 thoughts on “Make Believe Psychology Degree

  1. I haven’t been able to track down the relevant citations, but according to Neil Smith the Freud “quote” is quoted backwards: what Freud supposedly said was that fear of guns is a mental problem, or something like that.

  2. Psychology is the “rubber chicken” department of medicine and health care. Doing actual research and studies on the tangible human body is difficult enough. When you start trying to parse things like the conscious and other such subjective intangibles it becomes much less scientific and much more voodoo.

  3. I’m glad Kim votes blue. Certain thing just aren’t very needful in life.
    Kim’s vote and psychological regurgitations seem a perfect example. What next, she going to show us her degree from Harvard?

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