If You Want Our Vote, Be What We Want

Quote of the Day

It’s kind of hard to market yourself as cool when there’s video of them being cringe.

It’s kind of hard to market yourself as “not communist” when there’s video of them being wearing soviet symbols, have a Che flag in their office, and articles written by them saying “we’re communists”.

It’s kind of hard to market yourself as “not sexualizing children” when they’re inviting drag queens to the White House for story time.

It’s believable that they “care” about the economy. What’s not believable is that they’ll do anything to make it better. See “we’re totally communists” above.

As for being the “adults in the room”? We have video of their supporters screaming at the sky, and Democrat-heavy organizations in and out of government are having coloring books and puppy therapy days. Hard to be mistaken for an adult when the public perception is “toddler temper tantrum”.

Stop trying to market yourself as something the public wants, that you absolutely aren’t. If you want their vote, it is way easier to BE what the public wants.

Comment to Your Lying Eyes.
November 15, 2024

I have nothing to add.


2 thoughts on “If You Want Our Vote, Be What We Want

  1. Absolutely prefect!
    But as you point out, they’re communists. Doing what you asked would make them responsible American citizens ready to tackle the problems of the world.
    Sorry, we can’t be having any of that!
    Communist/communism only want to destroy.
    And just like all petulant children that know they’re doing something wrong. They lie about it. And demand you believe them.
    And throw temper tantrums when you refuse to.
    As Yuri pointed out, they’re brainwashed. You could show them the proof. And it won’t matter.
    But hey, we can always hope some will come around.

  2. IF it didn’t work they wouldn’t market themselves that way. So it frequently does work. Not always enough as witnessed by Trump winning the election. But there’s always more than enough morons to buy their BS.

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