There Are Many Answers

Quote of the Day

There is but one answer to be made to the dynamite bomb and that can best be made by the Winchester rifle.

Theodore Roosevelt
Did Teddy Roosevelt Say the ‘One Answer to Terrorism’ Is a Winchester Rifle?

Via an email, which had “terrorism” instead of “the dynamite bomb” in the quote, from pkoning.

While it captures the appropriate sentiment succinctly, it is not all that accurate these days. It appears to me that Israel is doing rather well in their fight against the terrorists/dynamite-bombers in their neighborhoods while using few, and perhaps zero, Winchester rifles. As was reported in a briefing at work last week:

They compromised the supply chain and delivered pagers with explosives to Hezbollah leadership. They blew them up almost simultaneously. Hezbollah then went to walkie-talkies and those were blown up. When Hezbollah then assembled in a single building for face-to-face communication, they blew up the building.

This will be studied and admired for years to come as one of the most creative, complex, and well executed operations in the history of warfare.

Precision guided bombs, M-4s, M-16s, tanks, and hand grenades have been delivering some very authoritative answers as well.

Whatever you think of their religion, ethics, and/or political behavior, they have certainly demonstrated if you don’t respect them, you risk coming to fear them.

I hope gun owners don’t have to teach similar lessons to those who fail to respect us and our rights.


2 thoughts on “There Are Many Answers

  1. Israel may be doing good at this point. But nobody is fighting back yet.
    And just as our neo-cons are willing to fight to the last Ukrainian. Iranian Persians are willing to fight to the last Arab.
    Israel has taken So. Lebanon how many times now? Three? And they always end up giving it back.
    Holding territory like that is an economic/military nightmare.
    Plus, the little satan has the great satan backing him up. For how much longer?
    What happens when were empty, out of business? And Turkey and Iran haven’t even started shooting yet.
    Nor the Houti’s launching Russian hyper-sonics? (The first was proof of concept. Just as the first Iranian missile/drone attack.)
    Israel is doing OK. Give it a year or two.
    Like Vox Day said; “WWIII is just getting started.”

    “I hope gun owners don’t have to teach similar lessons to those who fail to respect us and our rights.”
    I’m pretty sure they don’t either. Least not the ones with the two brain cells working.
    But nobody has bitch-slapped them so far, so……Conceit and ego still rule the day.
    And I’m pretty sure that ain’t how communism works.
    If they truly had the ability to understand the consequence of their actions? They wouldn’t be communists. (One would think. It’s to well documented.)
    But let’s face it, you don’t import 30-40 million tribesmen lest you want things to go tribal.
    And if you survive, you going to be worried about a bunch of rich guys and what they did 5-10 years ago?
    Remember, the great depression lasted till everyone that was pissed-off enough to fight was pretty much murdered off.
    I wouldn’t expect the elitists to change a game plan that works great every time it’s tried, would you?

  2. More than a century ago good old Teddy understood reality. The fact that Violence Is Golden. When all else fails it will always remain as the ultimate arbiter.

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