Bug or Feature?

Not far from Boomershoot, I have a piece of property with a pistol range, a small camping trailer, utilities, and other useful improvements.

The nearest neighbor is over 0.5 miles away. The nearest stop sign is over two miles away. The nearest stop light is nearly 40 miles away. And the nearest interstate freeway is over 130 miles away.

It turns out what I regard as a feature some claim this isolation is, in software development terms, a “bug.”

It all depends on your design goals. I’m designing for quiet, safety, stability, and resilience. I think it is an appropriate location for uncertain times.

Your design goals may vary.


6 thoughts on “Bug or Feature?

  1. Other than roofing over the range to contain sound – noise will travel quite a bit farther than that “over 0.5 miles” and might attract attention under some circumstances – it doesn’t seem to lack much.

    Except that 25 ft deep bunker, of course, but were that to exist I would not expect to hear anything about it, nor should I.

    RE: the “pistol range” part – does the layout support “extended distance use” for rifle work? Being able to zero for the expected distances in your AO would be a plus.

    • When I was station in England, the firing range was at RAF Feltwell, serving the needs of both RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall, and their solution to not bother the neighbors was to put the shooting positions in concrete tubes, 10 feet in diameter, about 30 feet in length, the tubes were then mostly buried, and the interior of the tubes lined with foam anechoic tiles. Behind the shooting positions was a concrete wall, also lined with anechoic tiles, and the opposite side with earth pushed up on it. Basically, a hush house for rifles. Only the supersonic crack of the bullets on the way to the targets couldn’t be hushed, but that frequency dissipates quickly with distance.

      So, for a private range, you would go far by having your shooting positions in a overhanding ‘patio’ that absorbs the report (and protects the shooters from sun and rain), with the additional benefit of making sure the rounds don’t go over the berm. You can also do well to have the shooting lanes between tall enough left-and-right berms to direct the sound upwards

    • The pistol range has an everyday max of about 105 feet. If needed, with some care, be extended to about 125 feet.

      For real rifle distances, I would go to the Boomershoot site.

  2. And the best features. How much food is raised in your zip code? Lots!
    How big a tribe do I have in that location? Big.
    Is there room to maneuver should the need arise? Absolutely.
    Can you see your enemy at a distance? Yes, you can.
    Can you limit traffic in your area? Yes.
    Lots of firewood? Check.
    Fish and game? Check.
    Ain’t no downside to your location, Joe. Just don’t build anything to fancy. (You’ll want to look as poor as the rest of the world.)
    P.S. Got room for a couple of seniors?

    • I have just enough room for two seniors… Barb and I. And if things are extremely “cozy,” kids and grandkids until they can find their own accommodations nearby.

      • Ya, kind of figured that.
        Hey, a good side business in the world to come will be programming/reprogramming engine ECU’s.
        To get cars and trucks/equipment moving again.
        Turning off the smog crap and bypassing the eco-fluff.
        Something to think about.

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