Quote of the Day
Sorry about your small dick Cletus.
MAGA Mocker @MAGAmocker
Tweeted on August 11, 2023
Via a tweet from In Chains @InChainsInJail·
The idiots always try to drag the more intelligent people down to their level in an attempt to win with childhood insults.
Whatever. We have SCOTUS decisions. They have crude insults.
“The idiots always try to drag the more intelligent people down to their level in an attempt to win with childhood insults.”
But it’s truly amazing what their unrelenting ignorance has accomplished.
Culminating in Harris/Walz-Trump/Vance race for leadership of the greatest civilization in recorded history.
That’s the best we got?
We got satellites in space beaming stuff to us and providing internet to anyplace one might find oneself, on the whole earth.
And that’s all we can muster for leadership? Not counting the rest of DC and assorted state governments/agencies?
And stupidity has literally brought us to the edge of destruction.
We have to actively seek out the words of Chris Langan and Thomas Sowell. While Biden/Harris/Obama-who knows who actually runs the country. Are in our faces 24/7?
Markley Mondays guest stars appear as baseless ignorant clowns to us.
But they’re somehow managing to run us over the cliff right now.
If we’re going to consider ourselves intelligent? We’re going to have to change the way we think.
That is, if we can survive the stupid.
Once upon a time, Darwin dealt harshly with the stupid. Now, in our infinite wisdom, our society substituted the Peter Principle to replace Darwin.
I think part of the problem is that our public servants have convinced the general population they are and should be leaders. Servants know their place. Leaders view the general population as servants.
Yup. But oh well, stupid is about to have a mass die-off. And take a whole bunch of smart with it.
And I don’t think the survivors are going to have much patience for it. Whatever it is.
But hey. Maybe it’s not the end of civilization. Maybe it’s the beginning of true enlightenment?
We can only hope.