Quote of the Day
Heading into last weekend the heavy money was on Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro getting the nod from the DNC to be Harris’s running mate. I was always skeptical of that, given the current state of the Democratic Party. It seemed a bit of a stretch that the virulently antisemitic Democrats of 2024 would pick a Jewish man to be on the ticket. Seriously, Shapiro is lucky that the Dems didn’t call in some of the Squad’s brownshirts to give him a wrist tattoo and striped pajamas.
Stephen Kruiser
August 7, 2024
The Morning Briefing: Two Commies Walk Into a Presidential Ticket…
While there is some of truth to this, there is a little bit more exaggeration than truth.
The Dems are in a tough position on this topic.
Their biggest donor class are Jews (and Jew owned/run companies); most of these Jews are also Zionists. (to be fair, Jews heavily fund and mostly own both sides)
Their activist base has a lot of “anti-oppression” types who are violently pro-“Free Palestine” types.
That’s a toxic combination that will burn down any “big tent” you put them if if they catch sight of the other group. It’s finally being seen by both sides that the other exists, and each side is angry the other has been invited to the party.
It’s one of those things that gives support to the Q line about destroying the Dem party.
Fun times.
In 1854 when the Republicans appeared on the scene, that destroyed the Whig Party. It was no longer a big enough tent to contain all of Martin Van Buren’s carefully balanced pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions. The Republicans siphoned off all the anti-slavery party members, from both the Whig and Democrat parties went to the new Republicans, and the pro-slavery members from both parties went to the Democrats.
I can see that happening again, with the free marketers going to a new party, and the Communists going to the American Communist Party, the moderates staying in the Republican Party, leaving the Democrat party a mere husk to be left in the history books with the Whigs.
NAFTA cast capitalism into disrepute. Too bad.