Disarm Those Who Are Threat to Democracy

Quote of the Day

German court rules that members of the right-wing Alternative for Germany party are BANNED from owning firearms.

They say it’s because the second largest party in the country is a “suspected threat” to democracy.

PeterSweden @PeterSweden7
Posted on X, July 3, 2024

Wow! Now that resonates through history and to the present.

They have been working on this since at least July of 2022. And of course they succeeded with something very similar in 1938. You would think the socialist would remember what they did last time and how it ended for them. Perhaps they remember very well and expect to get away with their crimes against humanity this time.

And of course, the political left in our country is also pushing as fast and hard as they can to disarm those who they claim is “a threat to democracy.”

Prepare appropriately.

Via a post by Chuck Petras @Chuck_Petras


5 thoughts on “Disarm Those Who Are Threat to Democracy

  1. It could be worse. Throughout Europe, there’s a common notion that it’s ok and lawful to prohibit entire political parties outright.
    Keep in mind that, even in those countries that have a Constitution (unlike the UK which has none), it doesn’t necessarily protect the people from the government. For example, the Dutch “constitution” declares (in article 120) that it cannot be enforced in a court. Imagine that. It also states that the people have freedom of speech “subject to everyone’s responsibility under the law” which sounds to me like “you have freedom of speech only to the extent we’ll let you have it”.

  2. You mean everyone that’s a threat to their democratic theater? Democracy is a neo-tyrant lie.
    Another attempt to fool you into accepting Vox Day’s perfectly described, “Empire that never ended.”
    But they are quit correct in their thinking this time around. Ain’t no America coming to save anyone/thing, anymore. You get disarmed in today? Plan on fighting with rocks and knives against well armed tyrants.
    Or you can just starve to death the way they tell you to. Except whatever torture pleasures them.
    We have forgotten in this world that evil does not sleep. And is actively subverting every institution we build.
    And once again when they gain power will murder you with all the thought one puts into setting of ant bait.
    Satan and friends want you dead and are going to kill you. Your belief/unbelief is not required.

    Happy 4th, you’all!!!!

  3. The firearms acquisition permit was actually instituted in the Weimar years. The Nazis merely granted an exemption for their people. This was like the traditional British RTKBA (for Protestants only).

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