Quote of the day—Alan Korwin

I stand by my frequent admonition: “If it’s in the ‘news’ and it’s about guns, it’s probably 100% wrong.” At best, it’s as deceptive as an outright lie.

Alan Korwin
November 30, 2017
Background Check “News” Deceives
[I’m starting out the new year with something I know will be true the entire year.

Korwin is correct. And frequently these “news professionals” will be fractally wrong.—Joe]


3 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Alan Korwin

  1. I stand by my frequent admonition: “If it’s in the ‘news’ it’s probably 100% wrong.” At best, it’s as deceptive as an outright lie.


    • Robert Heinlein, in, I think it was “Expanded Universe”, a compilation book of short stories and discussions about the world and societies, said that on two occasions he was someplace where something happened that was newsworthy on a national scale. In both cases, he said, TIME Magazine got it wrong.

      I don’t think any argument can be made for this record improving, or even staying the same, and from what we now know about stories killed and stories exaggerated and misinterpreted, and made up out of “whole cloth” to use an idiom probably not one high school student in 100,000 would recognize today.

  2. Pingback: Quote of the day—Mason Hartman @webdevMason | The View From North Central Idaho

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