Consider Title XV of the sportsmen’s bill, also known as the “Hearing Protection Act,” which makes it easier for gun owners to buy silencers for their weapons. The uninformed might suspect that silencers are used by people who want to fire weapons without being caught by cops or observed by witnesses. But more and more hunters are finding that conventional earplugs and muffs are not adequate for today’s weapons — for example, quail hunting with an M777 howitzer or grouse hunting with an FIM-92 Stinger missile launcher.
Dana Milbank
September 11, 2017
The NRA’s idea of recreation: Assault rifles, armor-piercing bullets and silencers
[One might guess Milbank is so out of touch with reality that he believes the right to keep and bear arms is about recreation. And one also has to wonder what part of “shall not be infringed” he doesn’t understand.
But, just as likely is that Milbank does have at least a passing grasp of reality and knows he can’t put up a valid argument so he just goes straight to mocking.
We can make most of the stuff Milbank is “concerned” about in our garages with cheap metal working equipment and a trip to the local hardware store. These changes in the law are a mere recognition of reality. The existing law did nothing to improve public safety and made life more hazardous for good and gentle people who just want to be left alone. But to be left alone is asking too much from authoritarians like Milbank. So, I won’t be asking. I’m telling.
Molṑn labé, Dana.—Joe]
Wait, Dana is a guy? No seriously, the name and the estrogen filled hysteria had me thinking he was a she.
They look like a guy to me.
I like the variant seen at the bottom of an issue of The Libertarian Enterprise: “Μολὼν λαβέ μητροκοίτης”.
(have fun with your Greek dictionary for that one.)
“Molly takes a dentist” or the alternate “Molly takes a pesestrian”?
We’ve been fisking Milbank for years.
Dana Milbank? Never heard of her.