Quote of the Day
Gun control is Icarus…and it got too greedy, arrogant, and flew too high. There’s only one ending to this story and looking at cases around the country…fantasy is almost up. Enjoy losing.
Johnny Silverhand @MegaManX1984
Posted on X on December 21, 2023
A little something is lost without the entire context, but I wanted to have the above in case any of the below disappears. Here is the entire context:
To Anthony Portantino: Don’t author unconstitutional bills, and you won’t be “outraged” when the courts strike them down as such. Simple problem, simple solution.
You will never “make CA safer” by prohibiting Good Guys from carrying defensive arms. That only ever empowers Bad Guys who by definition do not care about your paper prohibition and carry anyway.
And no, CA does NOT have “the right & responsibility to regulate who can carry guns.” That’s the point of the ruling, and of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which you swore an oath to support and defend. “The bill was crafted to respond to SCOTUS” is an admission that you’re trying to ignore their very clear prior rulings. You’re only “outraged” that you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar … again.
(Also, grammar and apostrophes matter: Is it the ruling that outrages you, or the judges making it? At this point, neither would surprise me, given how much gun-controllers seem to hate freedom-minded people.)
Yup, Communists always over-reach. But I think one of their true frustrations is Joe-six packs dogged refusal to buy in to the scam.
The gun community’s steadfast refusal to give up their guns under any conditions is what must drive them crazy.
And has thwarted their plans to centralize everything. Money, power, control. They can’t do anything major if were armed.
And you can’t get our arms unless we willingly give them up.
It’s Flippin hilarious!
Comparing gun-control with the story of Icarus is good, funny, and it works.
But to me, it seems more akin jumping off the barn with a blanket for a parachute.
Only the useful/less idiots could convince themselves to try it.
And there always seems to be some group of elitists on the ground heckling them to do it.
You can’t win against an army of 100 million gun owners,(and growing).
It’s gravity. You just can’t.
Yuri said in the 80’s the demoralization had worked better than the Kremlin could have hoped. And 40 years after they had already been at it for 30?
The KGB didn’t see this one coming. That being that a certain portion of the population could pass through their system and still just not be moved.
And no way to move them. And the only question left is will the idiots actually jump off the barn in the next 25 days?
We’ll see.
Over-reach and losing eventually is little consolation to all the decent people the tin-pot tyrants have messed with and sometimes straight up destroyed, or killed indirectly. Losing in the courtrooms should be the least of their worries.
In God’s time, they will face justice for their sins.
Your GAB page has the perfect MEME for gun control. Thanks.
The one with the girl standing on fire, and the cop walking right by.
Everyone should be putting it out there (No bad pun intended), as the best example of gun-control- Biden admin.- criminal invasion,- communist agenda, I’ve ever seen.
They’re not just a crime against humanity, their a sataniclly inspired crime against humanity.
This will only end when those who violate the law(isn’t the Constitution THE Law of the Land?) can be made accountable for their crimes. The system won’t do it.
I think revolution comes to every country every few hundred years or so.
The fight for gun rights is and seems to have always been a pendulum. The left manages to impose a bunch of restrictive laws…the right, when lucky finds ways to counter those laws and make weapons rights more widely available. Then the pendulum swings back towards repression. The problem is the gun grabbing left NEVER gives up, quits or goes away. This means that unless opposed constantly they will eventually win. And even if opposed there is no guarantee that they won’t eventually succeed in imposing total gun control…forever.