6 thoughts on “Restricted Weapons

  1. Echoing Richard above, WTF is the “LAW ENFORCEMENT/EXPORT USE ONLY” crap?

    They’ll trust citizens of other nations to have this, but not our own?

    (Yes, I know the intent was to export it to our allies’ military personnel, but quite a few of them traditionally keep their military-issue rifles when they transition to civilian life, so my question stands. And as Richard pointed out, a lot of them end up in our enemies’ hands, but our own citizens still can’t have them.)

  2. Well, in order to work in government.
    1) Reading comprehension of the constitution is not a prerequisite for a government job. (Don’t worry about that oath thingy, it’s all BS to us around here anyway.)
    2) Your sense of hypocrisy has to be replaced with a sense of elitism.
    But the real question is; what didn’t we expect from them?
    It ain’t like the founders didn’t tell us about ’em.
    And I will not be surprised at all upon reading that on a gun that I pried from some criminal invaders cold dead hands.
    They hate us that much.

  3. Citizens should be able to be armed with anything LEOs have access to.
    Sir Robert Peel who invented the modern police in London stated this as part of his reason for establishing the institution: “To maintain at all times a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only [no more than] members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.”
    Emphasis: the police are the public and that the public are the police.

  4. That was the required wording on rifles and magazines that were banned during the utterly useless 1994-2004 “assault weapons” ban.
    I have a “Colt’s Law Enforcement Carbine” I picked up as a curiosity back in ’09 with that on the magwell, as well as having many issue M9 and M16 magazines produced for the .mil during that time period.
    That was about the same time that the magazine producers started stamping month/year date marks on the magazines as well.

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