Another one to watch out for. Supposedly, this one is a teacher in Bellevue, Washington. Another source says Cambell Hill Elementary School in Renton. But the faculty list does not include her.
Nazi fascists get the wall lol
Molly Flynn ☭ @Prettyliltweetz
Posted on X, November 7, 2024
Today is a good day to rearrange a Nazis facial features.
Molly Flynn ☭ @Prettyliltweetz
Posted on X, November 6, 2024Fuck America
Molly Flynn ☭ @Prettyliltweetz
Posted on X, October 30, 2024Make Republicans Terrified To Vote Again.
Molly Flynn ☭ @Prettyliltweetz
Posted on X, October 29, 2024
This one appears to have been deleted. But someone made a screen capture of it:
I love the irony of this one:
Republicans are the party of emotional, knee-jerk responses. They don’t care about facts, truth, or their fellow Americans. They are emotional children and incapable of empathy.
Molly Flynn ☭ @Prettyliltweetz
Posted on X, November 7, 2024
Just a FYI. This may help you understand how her mind works. I don’t know for certain, but this is the only way I can make sense of it. The original definition of a fascist was:
Fascism The principles or methods of the Fascisti—Fascist, I. A member of the Fascisti. II. Of or pertaining to the Fascisti.
Fascisti … The members of a patriotic society in Italy, animated by a strong national spirit, and organized in connection with a repressive movement directed against the socialists and communists and the disturbances excited by them during 1919 and the years following, which regarded the government as criminally negligent in failing to deal with these disturbances, and took measure on its own account, often violent ones, to combat them, and which developed into a powerful party obtaining political control of the country in Oct., 1922, under its founder and leader, Benito Mussolini, as prime minister; hence, the members of a similar society or party elsewhere.
If you want to loosen up the definition a little you would conclude the following. If you are opposed to socialism and/or communism you are a fascist. Nazis Germany was opposed to Soviet socialism (worldwide socialism, versus national socialism). Both sides were competing for, essentially, the same mind share. Nazis were allied with Italy and shared the common political alignment with fascism.
Hence, her twisted mind can conclude that since you are opposed to socialism/communism you are a fascist Nazi.
But, as in a different context, the theme song from Rawhide gave us good advice:
Don’t try to understand ’em. Just rope, throw, and brand ’em.
Prepare and respond appropriately.
Yes, I know.
They ally themselves.
Authoritarians always find bedfellows.
Leftists openly tell us what they are, what they believe, what they will do if given the power to do so. And VAST numbers of normal Americans refuse to accept this reality. They REFUSE to coexist with normal society….just like islam refuses to.
We MUST accept them at their word. And act accordingly. Any society that allows such insanity to survive, let alone flourish doesn’t deserve to survive.
Despite the wailing, rending of garments and tears, we’re in “the calm before the storm” mode at the moment and I’ll predict this will get……interesting.
As our host frequently admonishes, “prepare accordingly.”
Mussolini was a socialist who broke with the party on one issue only-whether Italy should participate in WW1 and participate in the spoils. That turned out to be a bad mistake as Italy suffered 650,000 casualties and was stiffed at Versailles but Mussolini still road it to power. And he remained a socialist in domestic policy.
I’m having a hard time keeping up with all the mindslices. “What kind of socialist are you?”
The true Irony in the room that everyone is ignoring is the fact that socialists of every flavor, from Khmer Rouge through Kim Il Sung. Maoist, Stalinist, Perestroikan, Yugoslavian, to Fabian Socialist are remarkably able to switch from one flavor to another in search of power or if they like the personality of the leader. Famously that was the case with one Nazi who switched from Communist with hardly a hesitation. Come to think of it, that was the case with Adolf Hitler, too.
“Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State” is a quote by Benito Mussolini.
Yaaa, that really sounds like something we redneck fly-overs believe. Not well-educated garbage deplorables are all about the government telling us how to act and what to do at every turn in our life’s?
Now, if her only definition of nazi was anti-communist? She might be on to something.
But being as demoralized by communist brainwashing as she is?
I’m thinking we got the talking part done.
If you don’t like rednecks sweetheart? Kit-up and get off the porch.
Ol’ painless is well-oiled and wait’in for’s ya.
“Don’t try to understand ’em. Just rope, throw, and brand ’em.”
That’s hilarious.
Funny, that’s exactly what satan wants to do to them too.
“To the end that no man should be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. On their hand, or their forehead.”
Plan accordingly, indeed!
“This may help you understand how her mind works.”
Objection, Your Honor: Assumes facts not in evidence.
NAZI is the nickname for the NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)
That translates as National Socialist Workers Party, and it means what is says.
The NAZIs were LEFT wing in any modern understanding of the term ‘Left.’ In period; the Inter-National Socialists (i.e. commies) called them ‘Right’ (because of the nationalism) and called themselves ‘anti-fascist’. But they were just the same thing only worse. If you think the NAZIs weren’t socialist (a common lie of the modern left), know that they were SO socialist they were even going to nationalize peoples yearly vacation! (google ‘Prora’ – it’s still there) Germany didn’t have any party of consequence pushing the free-market capitalism and individual liberty that we think of as ‘Republican.’ Really, it still doesn’t. To an American all Germans are just different flavors of socialist, even if they do pick the socialists democratically.
Additionally, one of the key differences of the NAZIs to the commies is that they sought to socialize costs while privatizing profits with Private Public ‘partnerships’ where businesses were partly owned and run by party insiders subservient to the the Party’s goals. For this: think ‘Volkswagen’ (Peoples Car): A style of ownership so ingrained that VW is still partially/largely government owned. Hitler himself was a billionaire. Think about that for a moment: Billionaires pushing socialism, with socialized costs and privatized profits for party insiders. If that sort of ‘partnership’ sounds familiar, it showed up in the USA as Hillary Care, then Obama Care. And was standard operating procedure under Obama. Tech billionaires engaging in censorship at the direction of government anyone? Biden and Pelosi and MANY others in the uni-party have built massive fortunes on insider trading, sweetheart deals, etc…
When a modern Leftist calls the Republican / Conservative Right, “NAZI”, they are doing two things: exposing themselves as communist, and shining a spotlight on their ignorance of history.