Great Question–I’ve Got Answers

Quote of the Day

If “extremists” use objective facts, state and federal law, lower court rulings, the Constitution, and Supreme Court decisions; what is a good, succinct term for folks like Terrence Cummings who actively reject all that, and prefer falsehoods and feelz?

Carl Bussjaeger
September 29, 2022
Achievement Unlocked! | The Zelman Partisans

How about one or more of these?


11 thoughts on “Great Question–I’ve Got Answers

  1. One word? Communist.
    Or, communist-useful/useless-idiot?
    Or maybe, communist-shit-for-brains-want-to-be-tranny-boy, that’s scared of his own shadow?
    One could go on. And many on this blog could come up with much more descriptive terms than me, I’m sure.

    Dude, why do you have a target tattooed at the base of your skull?
    I don’t.
    You certainly talk like you do.

  2. Remember the far left believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are inherently racist outdated constructs made by old white men that needs to be discarded and replaced with something else to fit the modern times we live in. That’s something else basically The exact opposite of the constitution and Bill of Rights granting all powers to the government and you have no rights at all. Unless you are far left.

    • If the Mortgage companies treated the Leftist’s mortgage contracts the way Leftists treat the Constitution, whatever protest they mount would make January 5 look like a church picnic (which, come to think about it, it almost was).

    • That implies he can think far enough ahead to plan and have a defined goal.

    • To use a phrase from decades ago, “Hosers,”
      The British will understand my use of the term “Wankers.”
      There’s the American term for the same thing, but I’m not sure if it is suitable for a place where we discuss important issues in an adult and reasoned way.
      And thank you, Joe, for maintaining this forum where we (mostly) abide by that principle.

    • As Duncan said to MacDuff when he was informed of the murder of his wife and children, “Dispute it like a man,” (come with us and vanquish Macbeth on the battlefield.”
      MacDuff replies, “I shall do so; but I must also feel it like a man.”
      We have done the first yesterday, and the second today except we are celebratory.
      But as was said elsewhere in the Scottish Play, “We have scotched the snake but not killed it.”
      Sadly the Leftists won’t change their minds* or stay down. They will be back.

      *This assumes of course, that they have minds, even if they can’t change them.

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