A Low Bar

Quote of the Day

You could create a website of only censored articles and it would be the most accurate news outlet in the world

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 @JackPosobiec
Tweeted on May 20, 2022

I rate this as true. But a large part of that is because the threshold for being the most accurate news outlet is very low. It sets a low bar.


5 thoughts on “A Low Bar

  1. Ya, remember when journalism was the 5 W’s? Who, What, Where, Why, When.
    Or was that just the lie they told us journalism was?
    Cause very little research would quickly prove the facts have been comingled with opinion, then ran through the blender of personal bias/political affiliation for longer than we can all remember.
    (Breaking a few eggs to make an omelet, was the report on a mass-murder of Ukrainians by Stalin.)
    Starting a web page with the 5 W’s as it’s 1st. and only rule/guiding principal would probably be a big hit in this smart-phone world.
    Call it Sgt. Fridays. Cause it’s, “Just the facts.”

    • In the 1940’s and into the 50’s, Reporter George Seldes had a magazine “In Fact”. Seldes was a Liberal, and in those days Liberals hated Leftists with a passion because they knew they were anti-American and anti-Liberty.
      In the early 50’s, while the Korean War was going on,. he was subpoenaed to some Congressional subcommittee as the editor and publisher of In Fact. In the course of his testimony, one Congressman asked for his magazine’s opinion of the Korean War. He replied that they dealt only with the facts, but he could give his personal opinion. His personal opinion was that for North Korea to have made such huge advances south into South Korea North Korea had to be lying, about them acting in self-defense, because armies need lots of resources and planning to move, and so far so fast (He also showed them their subpoena to him had never been signed, so he could have fought it, but didn’t, coming to the hearing of his free will.

      A website like that magazine would be an astounding news source today.

      • Ya, pretty amazing that “truth in media”, could be a “new”, business model.

  2. “Low bar” doesn’t begin to cover it; the bar is currently buried 8 feet underground. One could publish unverified opinions with zero fact-checking or editing and remain above the threshold.

    And yet the modern mass media still fails to clear it because they go out of their way — expending not inconsiderable effort — to spin every kernel of truth into a pack of agenda-driven lies.

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