National Debt Will Turn Us Into Gaza

Quote of the Day

A halfpinion looks at either the costs or benefits of a plan but not both.

Gaza residents were brainwashed to have a halfpinion about how to deal with Israel. October 7th was them getting the “benefit” too many of the residents wanted.

Now they are experiencing the “cost” side.

America has this same halfpinion disease. That’s why our national debt will turn us into Gaza fairly soon.

Scott Adams @ScottAdamsSays
Posted on X August 24, 2024

The same “disease” affects the gun control nuts too.


3 thoughts on “National Debt Will Turn Us Into Gaza

  1. Halfpinion’s being what they are.
    The lack of critical thinking skills coupled with lower IQ breeds a race with little or no impulse control.
    That’s Gaza.
    What makes the USA into Gaza?
    Is when communists import millions of Gazan-like fighting age males to rape, murder and replace us.
    The debt crisis is just a way to kick off satanic-clown-worlds festival of blood.
    See the worst possible outcome for western elites is for America to go into a Keynesian economic reset (heavy depression), with the internet on and us armed to the teeth. And absolutely nothing to stop us from hanging the bastards, reorganizing to suit a strong middle class. And being the most prosperous nation on earth for another 200 years or better.
    They need something to keep you from removing them from power.
    That’s the reason we’re being turned into Gaza.
    At least that’s my halfpinion on the matter. (I can’t imagine anyone wanting the fullpinion.)
    Oh, and Gaza proves yet again, communism is a crime against humanity.

  2. The major difference being that savages in Gaza could organize and execute a plan to intentionally terrorize over 1000 civilians in a single day and for 99.9% of the planet’s population life went on as usual. When the US economic crash occurs it will announce a new dark age akin to the fall of the Western Roman Empire or herald the beginning of World War Three or both. I suppose if the globalist cabal pulling Kamala’s strings is particularly adept they may start WW 3 before the economic collapse. I don’t see a way to avoid WW 3 short of giving a significant fraction of the globalists and their deep state minions helicopter rides Mi General Augusto Pinochet would approve of. God grant that Trump may overcome the election fraud and save us from that fait

  3. Humans are fundamentally an irrational species. There occasional rare exceptions but most people cannot or will not think. They EMOTE. And emotion is no way to succeed in life. You see that on a regular basis when someone you know spends money they SHOULD use to pay a bill on some useless geegaw to satisfy their base desires for something some advertiser told them they needed.

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