The World the Anti-Gun Path Leads To

Quote of the Day

This is the world the anti-gun path leads to.

Prepare and respond appropriately.


12 thoughts on “The World the Anti-Gun Path Leads To

  1. This is the world the anti-gun people want. They truly believe that they, and people like themselves, will always and forever be in control of the government and its monopoly on force.

    That is never how it worked at any time in history. Once government attains and secures its monopoly on force, the non-government people who helped them get there go from being “useful idiots” to “useless eaters”, and are eliminated. It’s like clockwork, but anti-gun folks are so blinded by their hatred of private arms and personal freedom that they refuse to see it.

  2. How is it that all socialists gubermint officials seem to fail to comprehend how basic things function. A QR code on a knife blade? Am I supposed to heat the blade and brand the victim of my knife attack? Am I supposed to leave my knife, which by the way I’m already gripping, at the scene of the crime after I’ve perforated victims? How is a QR code on the blade supposed to help?

    • In case it’s lost during a protest/riot/insurrection, I guess. (If I were taking such a knife to a protest/riot/insurrection, I’d drill a hole through the handle and have it attached to my person via lanyard, so that it DOESN’T get lost.)

      The bigger problem is the registration (because you KNOW if the store is required to record the sales, they are ALSO required to report them to the government, which WILL be keeping track of them). If someone gets stabbed and the wound is consistent with a 8-inch chef’s knife, they can have a ready list of suspects and their home addresses in 2 minutes flat. And in an oppressive regime like that, that’s all they need to arrest you and search your home.

    • Besides that,

      What’s to stop me from taking up blacksmithing as a hobby?

      • Or, for that matter, woodworking.
        Hard rock Maple is a good material for letter openers, and if it’s fire-hardened, pretty durable. I read Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe in my youth (It’s on the streng verboten list now as Crusoe rescued a native and named him, and such paleo colonialism just can’t stand), and I remember the swords/machetes used by the natives who were going to kill and eat Friday were fire-hardened, and were therefore more durable and held a surprisingly sharp edge for essentially a heavy letter opener.
        An even harder wood, Ironwood, might be so rare and expensive as to raise questions as to why a peasant or lowly factory worker wanted to buy it.

  3. This is what the far left and democrats want. The question is if they want to do it before during or after the democrats pass legislation banning all guns and gun ownership along with the fully mandated confiscation and the complete and total extermination of every single gun owner along with the literal total and complete extermination of the entire Population of the United States in a home with a gun which means the complete and total Literal extermination of the entire population that owns a gun, in a home with a gun, has any exposure to guns. Children are not spared simply for being children. This would also include the banning of the Republican party and the literal rounding up and door to door Extermination of The entire population of the United States as a registered Republican and/or voted for Trump. And don’t forget the complete and total literal extermination of the entire population of United States that opposes this in any way shape or form. Sure this would cause literally over 90% of the country to revolt but one has to understand the mindset of the current Democratic Party and far left: they want nothing less than the complete and total extermination of the entire population of the United States that is not a far leftist or oppose or resist them in any way shape or form. And we have on record that the vast majority of Democrats and most liberal judges fully support the deployment of nuclear weapons on United States soil against United States citizens as acceptable course of action take to kill them. That includes the potato.

    This is not hyperbole. It sounds like hyperbole but it’s not. We already know how they think. Just expanded to a larger scale. We already know that they hate all gun owners and want all gun owners dead. We already know that they hate Trump and every single person that voted for Trump and want all of them dead. We already know they hate Republicans and want every single Republican dead. We already know they hate all conservative straight white males and want all conservative straight white males dead. Except party members and allies in the media. They openly say these things.

    They are telling you who they are. But it sounds so insane that when you say it you sound insane instead.

  4. People in prisons make lethal shivs out of toothbrushes sharpened on concrete.

    China is full of little factories pumping out parts of progressively decreasing quality until they get fired and have to retool with new machines for another job, rinse, repeat. You think they can’t put in orders for metal parts to go into something that can easily be taken apart, sharpened, and you have a perfectly suitable dagger with a plastic handle?

    Totalitarianism makes people stupid. They think that there is nothing outside their scope, and they just have to express their will and it will be so, as if the world is static and will not respond to their action.

  5. Pingback: We Need Common Sense Knife Laws | The View From North Central Idaho

  6. In America those fireworks would be layered with wax and metal. Old bearings, shards of metal from the local junk yard.
    Governments are always weak. And a small group of enforcers is always their key.
    You got to hurt something besides their feelings.
    Chinese just haven’t figured out how to fight yet. They’ll l get there.

    • If you’re going to stick your neck out like that, might as well make it worthwhile.

      • Exactly. Once you stick your neck out, there is no benefit from half measures. If you’re going to be hanged for stealing a chicken, why not kill the tax collector while you’re at it. Do some good in your life. “In for a penny, in for a pound.”

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