Via Elon Musk @elonmush:
If you let people say and view what they want instead of suppressing people posts and restricting access the total communication goes up.
Imagine that.
Who could have predicted such a surprising outcome?
Via Elon Musk @elonmush:
If you let people say and view what they want instead of suppressing people posts and restricting access the total communication goes up.
Imagine that.
Who could have predicted such a surprising outcome?
Not to mention that under Musk’s direction they have eliminated a significant number (how many I couldn’t find out) of fake, spam, and sock-puppet accounts.
Freedom works every time it’s tried.
In the 1960’s when the Leftists were moving to get more of their ideas into the schools and universities without much discussion or thought, the Supreme Court repeatedly held that (to summarize in plain language, that the solution or antidote for bad speech wasn’t a declaration that it was bad speech and should therefore be suppressed, but that the solution to bad speech was more speech, so that there was a greater chance that the good speech would be heard and acted upon. Now of course we have a situation where (and why call it anything else) a MINTRU or Ministry of Truth, like the one Winston Smith labored in anonymously in George Orwell’s famous novel, 1984 has been proposed so people will know that it’s true if the government says so.
And the solution to falsity, mis- and disinformative speech, and hate speech — shocker! — is not censorship, but more speech.
It’s interesting that people intuitively understand that. Falsity, propaganda, and hate can only thrive in a closed vacuum. Open the airlocks and flood the place with fresh ideas and disinfecting sunshine, and they all but disappear.
Some very smart people ( I am not kidding) wrote that Musk had destroyed Twitter and would lose his shirt on the deal. He knew nothing about media and would release a flood of hate around the entire world.
It seems Mr. Musk understands business and plays the long game pretty darn well.
1984 missed the prediction. It wasn’t only War is Peace, and Slavery is Freedom, but Truth is Hate, and Lies are Truth
Elon Musk grew up under Apartheid and then under the communist rule of Nelson Mandela. He should know a thing or two about a lying, corrupt government, much better than the lying corrupt government wants its “human resources” (not to put too fine a point on it) to know.