Quote of the Day
I see you have a tiny penis and want to murder people…
Lord Boofhead (@Lord_Boofhead)
Posted on X June 29, 2023
It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier (and here)!
And, is frequently the case, the account is suspended.
Delusions are a sign of mental issues. This candidate for the cuckoo’s nest thinks they can see your penis as well as read your mind. Therefore, it is no surprise they are a science denier.
“I see you have a tiny penis and want to murder people…”
That’s the way to talk to trans-gender synthetic hormone pumping mentally twisted school shooters?
And here we thought the left was all about compassion and inclusion for the mentally ill? At least the ones they create, right?
Apparently big one Boofy, he’s the master of…… Grandma’s basement. And rules with an iron hand.
I see you have a tiny penis and want to murder people…
My response (if I were on Twitter/X): “Oooh, too bad, that’s 0 for 3. But thanks for playing!”
Explanation: “Lord Boofhead” made three wrong statements, not two as some might think:
1. “I see” — clearly you don’t.
2. “you have a tiny penis” — wrong, and given #1, how would you know anyway?
3. “and [you] want to murder people…” — wrong again, for reasons that should be obvious. 🙂
Oh, sure, the gun control guy at the party I was at said I must have a small penis, but when I told him to go get a ruler so we could have a measuring contest, all of a sudden he wanted to change the topic.
“I met a gun control fanatic at a party — and he was a Cowardly Pervert.”
Subsequent to this show down, the gun control anti-liberty fanatic makes sure he only says such challenges on line to strangers who won’t ever meet him in real life.