You can cling to all the Big Tech platforms as long as you like. It’s foolish, because they WILL deplatform you. And you can jump to all the “new” gatekeeping platforms run by the same people who run the Big Tech platforms all you like, but you’re not going to find what you’re looking for there either.
Consider this: there is a reason the media, the ADL, and all the other organizations that hate you have been deplatforming and discrediting people like me, Torba, Milo, Owen, Stefan, and Razor for the last 7 years.
And maybe it’s not because we are pure and unmitigated evil haters who hate. Maybe it’s because we actually stand for the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.
Vox Day@voxday
Gabbed on February 4, 2022
[Read that carefully. He didn’t say they were the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. He said maybe they actually stood for that.
I think that is the more likely hypothesis than they are all “pure and unmitigated evil haters who hate”.
There may be some other hypothesis that fits the available evidence better than either but doesn’t matter much. What matters is those Big Tech companies deplatforming people are clearly evil haters who hate.—Joe]
I’m pretty sure that Joe is self hosting so he is not in a position to be canceled easily.
One of my clients runs an off short server hosting people that want safety for their blogs. It runs WP and if you pick a DNS registrar that isn’t easily pressured you are pretty safe with this particular off short hosting service.
This is the sort of thing that has to be done in order get any sort of level of protection from cancel culture.
Stands for the good, true, and beautiful.
Get in an argument with him and you will find out why they call him the Dark lord.
I’ve watched in bemusement for years now. And time and time again the gammas have brought their canned arguments they bought at some college against the guy.
Only to have their heads ripped off. Their skulls denuded, The malwens piss in them before being sent of to be silvered and turned into goblets.
It truly amazing to witness.
When a guy like Vox Day or Chris Langan tell you you’re wrong about something. I suggest you go reexamine your position carefully.
The amazement is in how many people don’t, won’t, or just can’t.
For fun go look up his treatise on why woman shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
One learns quickly that as wrong as his statements might feel. They are never unreasoned or unresearched.
It’s the truly wonderful thing about the internet. We can be directly exposed to people much smarter than ourselves. Something no other people in history have ever enjoyed! What a blessing!
I count you as one of those Joe, Thank you!
It’s the truly wonderful thing about the internet. We can be directly exposed to people much smarter than ourselves. Something no other people in history have ever enjoyed! What a blessing!
Obama prided himself on being the “smartest person in the room”.
In reality, if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room. No person on Earth knows and understands everything; there’s always something more you can learn.
People go to college to learn things, but truly, the two most important things a person can learn are: 1. how much they don’t know, and 2. how to keep learning after graduation. Only then would I consider someone educated. Unfortunately, most colleges don’t teach those things anymore, and most non-STEM (and even some STEM) degree programs are little more than Marxist indoctrination.
Very good point. My best managers were the ones who clearly were always looking to hire and work with people smarter than themselves. Only the insecure and incompetent fear competence.
ADL? Arab Defense League? Activities of Daily Living sprung to mind because of my work but I pretty sure that ain’t it.
My best guess is the Anti-Defamation League.
Once again, and there are hundreds of ways to say this;
In a world governed by lies, the act of speaking truth, even knowing the truth and saying little, makes you an enemy of the state.
In a world governed by a criminal syndicate bent on total control, the lawful, discerning, productive, principled citizen, not easily intimidated, desiring liberty, equality under the law, transparency in government, and strictly limited government, MUST NOT be tolerated. The powers-that-should-not-be simply cannot afford to tolerate such people. Their mere existence poses a clear and present danger to the system. Their observations and ideas are like an aggressive cancer to the world of evil, and that cancer can easily metastasize and threaten the life blood of the (Romish) authoritarian system. The life blood of that system is deception reinforced by intimidation.
But since the corruption of the world did not happen by human agency alone, it is not possible to reverse the course of the world by human agency alone. And therefore the warning;
Come out of Babylon! Come out of her my people, lest ye partake of her plagues!
But alas, it’s not a popular nor widely understood concept, hence the problem. At best, most of us will quibble, and even fight, even to the death, over which among the myriad of roads to Rome we prefer.
“But since the corruption of the world did not happen by human agency alone, it is not possible to reverse the course of the world by human agency alone.”
We are the Lord’s hands on this Earth. God helps those who help themselves. Prayer is for Heaven and the hereafter. Actions are for here and now.
Big tech….like Big Business want control. Control means money. Competition means less money. Thus any competition will be squashed, marginalized and if
necessary BOUGHT. This allows them….Big Tech….to control the signal. Not sure if there is a peaceful legal solution to this problem. And if there is you can bet the people in power will be looking to negate it.