Arizona Senate to Start Major Audit of 2.1 Million 2020 Presidential Election Ballots
The Arizona Senate, which is controlled by Republicans, is ready to start a major audit of 2.1 million ballots for the 2020 presidential election. The recount will be done by hand this time.
The state Senate said in March that they would be conducting a “broad and detailed” audit, adding that they’ll test voting machines, scan ballots, look for IT breaches, and perform a hand count.
I find this part of the article particularly interesting (emphasis added):
Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Jack Sellers told Fann in an email obtained by the Epoch Times that the upcoming audit “is not a joint effort between the County and the Senate Republican Caucus.”
In a response to an April 2 email from Fann, Sellers wrote: “Maricopa County performed the audits of the election required and permitted by law. As required by law they were bipartisan and transparent. There has been no suggestion that those audits were in any way deficient. The County then properly authorized two further forensic examinations of its machines that it was permitted to perform as possessor of the machines.”
He also said that because of the unsettled legal ramifications of the documents, “Maricopa County cannot be involved in supporting your audit as to do so may expose it to liability for which it has no similar legal protection.”
I look forward to the report “in about 60 days.”
I’ve been surprised that you haven’t had more to say on this issue with your background in cyber security.
There are three very distinct parts to this delima we find ourselves in, but they work in concert. The first is an unhygienic voter role. The second is the security of the equipment and networks, and the third is the ability to inject ballots as needed into the system.
The level of resistance to cleaning up the voter roles and to getting access to the actual ballots on their own is very telling. It’s also interesting that many mainstream media organizations including NPR, NBS, and the Huffington Post have written articles on the vulnerabilities of these machines yet quite suddenly changed their tune after this election.
I’m not aware of a cyber security person that had anything positive to say about these devices prior to the election and frankly, people in that field are not just coming out of the woodwork to defend them now. The most vociferous defense comes from the media and the election equipment companies themselves.
I figured just this once was enough.
Thanks for the link. I had somehow missed that post.
I find it interesting that Keshavarz-Nia has largely dropped out of the news since the very early days of this.
As various reports emerge such as the Antrim County report and the rebuttle by Professor Halderman I would appreciate reading any opinion you might have. Getting the opinion from as many knowledgeable and experienced people as possible, is the only chance that less technical people such as myself have in discerning the truth.
I do understand that it’s a touchy subject for professionals to get involved with, but that on it’s own is a major part of the problem.
Thanks for the response,
Kind of wondering what the point is. Anyone with an IQ of soap knows the left cheated….and did so on an almost unimaginable scale. All such an audit will
do is confirm what anyone paying attention already knows. And that is ALL that it will do. It’s not going to remove any of the criminals who stole the election from office. It’s not going to result in any of those responsible suffering ANY consequences and it’s NOT GOING TO PREVENT THEM FROM CHEATING next time.
As you say, it’s pretty obvious to anyone who thinks that this didn’t go dawn as we’ve been told, but as of now we don’t know all of the methodologies involved in this. I suspect there was so much cheating going on, that the cheaters were stepping on each other.
Until we have details, we will not be able to convince people craft ways to stop this from happening again. Of course cleaning up the registration roles and doing away with black box machines would automatically take care of most of it.
There are a couple of Constitutional methods to correct what has been done, but we will need massive and pretty much unassailable proof if we are to have any chance of implementing them.
That’s a big tree to climb but if you’re going to climb it, you have to start somewhere.