Today’s colleges are little more than indoctrination factories for the foot soldiers of a cadre of militants intensely hostile toward Western civilization and the American way of life. We should be mindful about salvaging whatever we can from them while aggressively kneecapping their ability to brainwash our children and attack our freedoms.
Sam Jacobs
American Education: Child Indoctrination, Struggle Sessions and Debt Slavery
[This article resonated rather strongly with me. Last Saturday daughter Jaime told of the indoctrination being done on my 2nd grader grandson. It’s close to horrifying and short of home schooling there doesn’t seem to be a solution. She has complained up through the ranks as far as the school board where it appears they are simply ignoring her.
I would be incline to retreat to my underground bunker (I wish!) in Idaho with my children and their kids and wait out the collapse of civilization. But the communists always hunt you down and take your possessions, if not your life, in the name of equality/fairness/whatever-excuse. So the options are becoming more limited with each passing month.—Joe]
Getting started homeschooling is unlikely to get any easier over time, given the political climate.
Of course the school board is ignoring your daughter.
Your grandson is being subjected to the precise indoctrination plan the public school system has devised and slowly implemented, step by step, over the past 60 years or so.
Home Schooling has been the only solution, or you wind up with a wokester SJW teen with crap-for-brains.
Parents & Grandparents should step up to the challenge and make the financial and lifestyle sacrifices needed. But will they?
I use to attend school board meetings to voice my opinion. For normal meetings it was common that I was the only parent there. Most of the time the people there are all part of the “school system”. The board members hearing reports from the School Admin, a few people reporting on stuff being done for the school. People like that.
One of the reasons I was going was that there were some really bad teachers and “everybody” knew they were bad teachers, but they had their contracts renewed every year and got their time in grade pay raise.
I was told that if I mentioned a “bad” teacher by name and said why they were bad, I would be immediately eject from the hall. My comments would be struck from the record. You see, by *law* in my state, nobody is allowed to say something negative about a teacher in an official meeting which is open to the public. Including the public.
The ONLY way I could say anything negative was to say “Some teachers are bad and we need to remove them from the system. My kids teachers are Ms A, Ms B and Mr C. Mr C is an incredible teacher. He deserves to hear it from the board.”
The board is not required to respond to public inquires, they don’t answer questions posed to them by the public. The only thing that happens is your words go on record. That’s it.
It is a far distance from Mrs. Allen’s class at my local two-room grade school. Mrs. Allen was the wife of a farmer just down the road and only had a few classes beyond High School. She was also active in the First Christian Church just across the road from the schoolhouse. At my Dad’s funeral some 50 years later she was helping to serve lunch in the old schoolhouse for everybody and said that she remembered me even though I moved away when I was fourteen and did not go back or look back.
How did we go from that to today? Is it really just as simple as the wokesters took over the colleges first and then spread out? And why did they succeed?
They remembered you because it was a small school. In today’s megaschools, you might not ever meet all the teachers. I taught at one that had more than 170 teachers, a couple dozen admin / secretary / security sorts, and never even met all the teachers in my grade or discipline. The left hand didn’t know what the right hand was doing. But it was a very “efficient” HS, with a “cost-effective” district employee to student ratio. The fact than roughly half my students in a biology class (normally a 10th grade class, normally requires passing 9th grade science) were still freshmen by credit and could not write a basic lab report to save their life is hardly worth mentioning.
It’s not that “woksters” took over the colleges, it was a systematic and deliberate infiltration by communists, with the intent to subvert and destroy.
“…it was a systematic and deliberate infiltration by communists, with the intent to subvert and destroy.”
Much of it being worked through the unions. And again; don’t knock it. It works.
Joe, take the family, sale out and get out. Go to Idaho. Help rise your grand-children in a decent manner. Give them an education. Rather than an indoctrination. They will be better served knowing how to fish and grow food.
Communism is going to destroy the whole idea of why one needs a degree in the first place. Along with the rest society.
As for them killing everything. It’s always best to chose the ground you fight on. To get a force large enough to overwhelm the population and resistance in Idaho is more than they can muster. People in greater Seattle will be made examples of.
To me. This spat of communism is not going to last. We’ve had it to good, for to long to be held down. This is all meant to give the Chinese a leg up. And the rest of the world. They know they can never control us on our own soil.
Go build a nice house with lots of south facing windows. And a big bunker close at hand!
That isn’t an option at this time for several reasons but a hybrid approach may be. I’m working on that but it’s taking more time than I would like.
Thanks for the suggestion.
My daughter got an EIP (which involved going through Seattle SD procedures, gah), and the child psychologist gave us a general diagnosis of “You can’t put her in a public school. You can’t even put her in a private school. The mean girls will eat her alive.”
So, she’s homeschooling, but we’re using some for-profit educational outfits as contractors. One-on-one education, all the time. Even when you’re dealing with substantial developmental issues, it’s amazing how much one can learn when one doesn’t have to deal with a curriculum designed for people even slower than oneself. So my daughter finishes a year’s worth of grade-level-equivalent English classes in 6 months, and she’s wrapping up pre-calculus now and heading into calculus.
She’s doing her Life Scout board of review tonight, and we’re on a plan to get her through Eagle before her 18th birthday. The Scout merit badges are being used in combination to make up some of the credit hours for the homeschooling diploma. Things like, Cooking plus Personal Management make a credit hour, better than what you’d get in ‘home ec’ in a public school. All three Citizenship merit badges make another credit hour, better than public school government classes. First Aid and Emergency Preparedness? You can’t even get something like that in a public school. She got Welding a couple weekends ago, and Motorboating in January. Despite all the whacko stuff going on with the BSA, they are providing something we need in a straightforward mercenary fashion.
Oh, and don’t take anything the public school bureaucrats say about how to go about getting a homeschool diploma as factual. They don’t know, they don’t wanna know, they’re incented to dissuade you and they gotta protect their phony-baloney jobs. Read the actual laws and requirements yourself and assume that they’re outright lying to you.
Joe, I’ve known you for a long time. I respect you mightily, especially beating the drum with this blog for so long.
I am now going to leave the most important comment I’ve left on your blog: Do the hard sell job to have your grandkids homeschooled.
My wife gave up her six-figure job to homeschool. Best things we had ever done as parents.
The schools that you went to and your kids went to no longer exist.
I second this. And I’m a certified teacher.
I admit I do not, but I do spend a fair bit of time “enhancing” my children’s education, and the son likes arguing, so I’m pretty sure he’s red-pilled more than a few classmates.
There are homeschooling co-ops around. more all the time. Lower grades can be taught by just about anyone – math fundamentals, reading, no TV, and lots of history stories. I can make a few suggestions, and even help out when they get older if they are still in the same area.
Thank you.
There some complicating factors but Jaime has been giving it serious consideration.
Load more magazines.
The only time a mag should be empty is leaving the firing line. ( Ok… and the trip home)
The textbooks in a school should not be trusted to be truthful at all. Back in high school in the 60’s, it was very obvious that those books didn’t even agree with the books in their internal library, let alone the town library. My hobby was reading. I read my way thorough multiple libraries, and any time I encountered a discrepancy, it was like a waving flag. Very obvious slant in their history textbooks.
The other problem with schools in general, is that teaching seemed to be a default job for those not very bright. Not all of them, but way too many, such that it stood out. Also, I have read that most of those teachers were attracted to the job because they enjoyed school, and preferred the regimentation that was prevalent. The majority of them are female, and have no idea how to teach males, so the default class environment is directed toward females. The boys suffer as a side effect. They should be taught separately for most classes.
Agree. Much of the curricula is nothing but a slanted subset of facts that are technically accurate, but lie through omission. I mean, Hitler was a dog-lover, a frustrated artist, a powerful orator, and died to gun violence before his time. However….
But the mantra is “we are all the same” when it comes to single-sex education, but it is also “we are all different and need to differentiate our instruction” within a single class, which is very difficult to do well (so most teachers don’t, really, except in special cases). Diversity is great, but treat everyone the same! No, don’t do that, we must strive for Equity, not Equality! Er, no, strike that… Yeah, they can’t even have a mission statement that actually means something that the parents can understand and agree to. “make them all future ready!” Ok, that means what, *exactly*? Yes, the schools are particularly bad for the boys.
“The textbooks in a school should not be trusted to be truthful at all.”
Richard P Feynman discovered that fact many decades ago, and, having served a stint on a textbook selection board, reported on it in some detail his book, Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman. The system was already thoroughly corrupted at the higher levels back when you and I were kids, and so we know that the process of systematic corruption had been entrenched and set underway long before that. The fact that we had any good teachers at all back in the ’60s (and most of mine were but one small step above slobbering retards) is the result of mere neglect, the understanding being that professional revolutions can happen one retirement at a time. The powers-that-should-not-be simply waited out the retirement of some of the older generations of teachers. They had their “ignoratti” all mesmerized, primed, and waiting to take their places.
1) “…The only time a mag should be empty is leaving the firing line. ( Ok… and the trip home)…”
Wrong. Never travel home without at least one or two full magazines with ammo loaded and ready to go.
2) Homeschool, homeschool, homeschool. As the child(ren) advance in grade it will become more work, but It. Is. Worth. It.
2B) If you cannot homeschool full time, do it part-time.
2C) If you cannot even do it part-time, engage in intellectual, mental and personal development outside of the formal schooling process. Encourage “deep dives” into topics the student(s) find interesting – nurture enthusiasm wherever you find it. This may involve disposing of your TV and spending lots more on books. It. Is. Worth. It.
2D) Seek out support to nurture enthusiasm from those working in fields where enthusiasm is expresssed; learning and development of thinking processes are everywhere, often they just need to be linked to real life experience and encouraged. They are also opportunities to share time and learning with your kids.