Quote of the day—Amazon

Since reading this novel, I have read tens of thousands of pages of political thought, historical record and legal documents and have come to understand just where continued gun control is taking us…it is a place I do not wish to go. In the last four years, I have become a champion for the second amendment rights community, a holder of a federal firearms license , a collector with over 60 firearms, a hobby gunsmith and a lobbyist for the firearms community. All this from a person who voted for Clinton his first term! Get John Ross’ book, it will open your eyes.

Unintended Consequences
[It is a very good book. I remember when it first came out some people on the Microsoft Gun Club email list referred to it as “The Bible”. That’s overstating it, but it is inspiring and prophetic.—Joe]


8 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Amazon

  1. Good read! It seems were about to find out if the BATF will go from retard, to full mongoloid?
    I love the legal questions Ross poses. And the president questioning his aid about the jewish guy having to get home to feed his pigs? To funny!
    It’s not a bible. But like the bible one should read it in it’s entirety every year or two just for perspective.

  2. It might be time to get that book off the shelf and put it on the current reading pile. I think it was a moderately expensive book when I bought it, but it was still in print. Now the Amazon price seems quite high.

  3. I own a coveted signed hardback.

    I tell leftists who get on the “4GW is not possible” bandwagon that all the way back in the 90s, there was considerable thought given to how to logistically deal with a tyrannical US government and how it was even codified in a novel.

    They don’t believe me. Their reality is Hollywood, and to admit personal courage can topple empires is to admit defeat for their worldview.

  4. I have a hard back edition. It contains a lot of information I like to keep in mind, especially the college thesis proposing the elimination of the National Firearms Act of 1934. I like the novel, and find the premise and plot believable. But the budding novelist in me believes a full third of this book could be edited out, with no loss to the overall story. Some disgusting passages add nothing to the plot, but only serve to rehammer that certain characters are evil. Still, the book holds up, which is more than I can say for many ‘book of the year’.

  5. Bought my first copy from the man himself at Knob Creek in ’96 – the year it came out. Made the mistake of lending to a friend and never saw it again. Picked up two more copies whenever I found them… I still have them ’cause I ain’t lettin’ anybody borrow them.
    And yeah, I was old enough to remember a lot of what he wrote about happening… Still regretting not buying that Solothurn 20 for $189.95 when I could have.

  6. Still haven’t gotten mine back after loaning it to a friend some years ago. Time to bug him again…

  7. “Big Tech” has negated some of the scenarios in the book, as it was written “pre-surveillance society”.

    It’s an interesting story nonetheless, but if there was a time when it reflected some possible real-life scenario, that time is passed. Part of the reason is that Americans no longer remember (and most, if reminded, would not appreciate, and many would reject out-of-hand) the principles of liberty upon which America was ostensibly founded. The other part of the reason is that America has been solidly fixed upon a trajectory toward…call it what you will, but “fascism” works well enough as a description, since the turn of the 20th Century, and no force on Earth exists which will change that trajectory.

    We are living under a system of intervention by government, whether by Republican Party or by Democratic Party standards. Our only choices, even assuming that the democratic process is fully intact and fully honest, without corruption, lie in the details and style of the implementation of interventionism, even as we dedicate ourselves and hold fervently to one party’s version or the other. It is a done deal. As a people we are psychologically incapable of returning to the principles of liberty.

    And so this has little to do with the gun rights debate. This has everything to do with doctrine and fundamental principles, and yet, as a people, we are ill-disposed toward doctrine and even more opposed to “fundamentalism” and thus, by definition, we favor the dismissal of doctrine and the corruption of the fundamentals, thinking such corruption “pragmatic”. And so, being open to compromise and corruption, even upholding them as the standards of wisdom, we have already lost any and every important argument before it begins.

    The Reformation, which brought civilization out of the Dark Ages, has already ceded back to Rome. Officially. Now it’s just a matter of time, and I guess; not very much time, before we’re in a New Dark Ages, modeled after the original, but much worse for being supported by astonishing new technologies and infrastructures. Some time after that, we might even realize what happened, but of course that realization will have been far too late. That is the case with many, well-documented historical disasters; the cascade of processes and failures which led to it are understood only long after the fact. This one will be no different, except for being far worse.

    And so it is no longer a matter of whether America will re-discover its Protestant roots, founded in the solid Rock of the perfect law of liberty. That’s been rejected, and now we’re entering a global system. It’s now only a matter of whether, as individuals, we will be a part of the authoritarian system, and become its de facto slaves, its property, or whether we will see it for what it is (ancient Babylon reborn) and reject it and then be mercilessly persecuted for that rejection. It’s either A or B, as no one on Earth is going to change the system this time around.

    A well and properly armed populace can restore and protect America only when it understands and appreciates what America really stood for in the first place (or did it ever, truly stand for those things? – Regardless; it certainly could, but it doesn’t today). Even if you could arm, and train in the use of arms, every individual in the country it would make no difference to the trajectory we’re on, toward global interventionism.

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