When will they figure out they are stupid and give up?

It happened again:

Police in Vermont say they can’t conduct mandated background checks required by a new law on private gun sales. The Department of Public Safety last month told lawmakers they are not allowed to access the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System used to vet gun transfers by licensed firearm dealers.

Signed by Vermont Gov. Phil Scott last year among a spate of gun control laws, Act 94 requires virtually all gun transfers, including those between private parties, to first clear a background check. The problem is that Vermont is one of 36 states and territories that do not have a “point of contact” access to NICS, forcing them to rely on the FBI for all firearm background checks performed in the state. While federal firearms license holders can run their checks through the system, the state cannot.

This also happened in Nevada too.

Some of these people pride themselves on their ignorance of guns and gun laws but you would think after one major blunder they would cure their ignorance. One has to conclude they are stupid. I suspect the problem is that as people capable of remedying their ignorance do so they have a high probability of changing sides.

This doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous. But it does mean it is a weakness that may be vulnerable to attack.


10 thoughts on “When will they figure out they are stupid and give up?

  1. They aren’t THAT stupid. They’ll keep saying that the evil NRA has kept them from accessing the FBI data base, and will push for access to an integrated data base including all contacts with police — after all, the offending gun owner may have had the violation pled down, or the DA or the police may not have seen enough to go forward, and so the offending gun owner gets off on a technicality, and gun owners are too dangerous to allow free and armed.

  2. I am increasingly finding that the “conspiracy theory” explanation, that a cabal of evil people, owning and manipulating key government, media, and people, the “deep state” and all that, call it what you will, is about the only thing that explains the constant stream of actions that are bad for the people of the nation, bad for long term prospects for just about everything, and good for only a tiny number of people at the top, who are most definitely not there to “represent us.” Even a flipped coin is heads half the time – these folks get it wrong (from the perspective of what they claim the goal is) every time. And not just a little wrong, but 180 degrees wrong. That wrong, that often, can’t be an accident.

    • First; it’s all in the prophecies.
      Second, there’s a simple model, or program, or rule at play;
      When authoritarianism’s pathology becomes news, liberty is to blame, and the solution is more authoritarianism.

      Follow this rule and the “solution” to this “problem” becomes clear; either universal sharing of databases, or the state gets its own system, or both.

      If it becomes an issue for Congress, Trump won’t interfere. Some Reps, and the NRA, might make noises of protest, but they won’t stop it. They’ll blame the all-powerful Dems for their own inaction, but the fact is that the script is already written and isn’t going to change. If they don’t increase information sharing, openly, by legislation, they’ll do it surreptitiously.

      But it won’t be for stopping violent crime. This has never been about fighting crime. That’s just the excuse.

      If a conspiracy is two or more people cooperating in some nefarious activity (and there’s no other definition), then of course conspiracies are all around us all the time. We’ve been conditioned to be shy of saying so, of course. We’re now expected to believe that “conspiracy” = “that which is not happening, which never happens, i.e. that which only crazy people believe is happening”, but that re-definition in the public mind can only be the result of a conspiracy.

      If something was, just a few years ago, more or less universally understood, and is now more or less universally mis-understood, well, it’s due either to a concerted effort of misdirection, or… What? Don’t say random happenstance because random happenstance is random and this isn’t random. It’s consistent.

      Look for more national stories about how someone dies because the incipient perpetrator “slipped throughout the cracks even though there was enough information available to preempt the crime.” We have plenty of those already, such that the public mindset required for tolerance of the next phase of shenanigans is established, but I figure they’ll run a few “booster” stories just be sure, in which the “lack of sharing” of information or lack of “intercommunication between agencies” etc. will be highlighted as the cause of tragedy.

      There’s nothing deeply mysterious about any of it. It just follows the above rule, which I put to paper decades ago as “When socialism causes problems (as it always does), freedom is to blame, and the solution is more socialism.”

      We say they’re “stupid” because of the way we look at the world and the way we conduct business, etc., but how many times must I point out that the left uses craziness, chaos and disruption as tools?

      We say; “You idiots! Didn’t you know there’s limited access to certain information?” And they’ll snicker at you and say;
      “Oopsie! I guess well just have to open up the records then, and collect more of our own records, won’t we!”

  3. You’re assuming they CARE whether their laws are successful or not. As long as they get to virtue signal, raise money and garner votes, they don’t give a second hand damn what else happens. It’s not like they’ll have to bear the consequences one way or the other.

    • I agree. I don’t think that they care about the results. It’s simply that in their mind and in the minds of the voters ‘guns are evil’. So any action to make ‘progress’ toward restricting them is ‘good’. The details are left to staff lawyers and writers that are given a goal to write something that can become law and not get overturned by SCOTUS. Thus we end up with laws like I-1639, microstamping, and bump stock bans because a more direct approach would be overturned by SCOTUS.

  4. Pingback: Quote of the Day | The Stars Came Back

  5. Breitbart ran an article today about an anti gun group advocating a ban on “rapid fire ammunition”.

  6. My guess: the next step will be to declare a ban on all private transfers, on the grounds that none can be made legally (by the impossible-to-comply-with law they passed).
    My other guess is that this was the intended outcome, at least in the minds of some of these people.

    • I don’t think anyone will get close to making an official declaration that all private transfers are banned. That cannot be claimed to be the intent of the legislation and the courts would quickly overturn the enforcement of it with the support of many of those who voted for it.

  7. Pingback: SayUncle » Oops

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