The AR-15 is modelled after a military grade M16 assault weapon. It’s designed to be able to shot at a long distance, with high-capacity magazine attachments that can spray many, many bullets in rapid fire, at a velocity that’s three times that of a regular pistol and can shoot the front and back through a helmet.
Kris Brown
Co-president of Brady Campaign and Center to Prevent Gun Violence
April 30, 2018
How The Gun Lobby Uses Van and Knife Attacks To Shut Down Gun Control And why experts are calling bullshit on it.
[Yet another example of where they have ignorance, drama, and deception.
We have SCOTUS decisions, data, and inalienable rights.—Joe]
If they were all that terrified of us you’d think they’d show us some deference and respect. They do after all love power and the use of brute force, and so, clearly, this has naught to do with the kind of brute force they’re advocating.
So it all comes down to which side one is on. The authoritarians wish to have total power over all the doings of Mankind. We wish for Mankind to be free. Both sides have guns, and so it’s not about guns at all but rather which side will posses them and for what purpose.
If we’re going to focus, obsess and fear-monger over the technical performance of a little old pea-shooter like an AR in 5.56 mm*, I’m perfectly OK with that– Criminals should know that we have millions of those ARs too. Then let’s also focus on what your government is capable of doing to a person they’ve decided they don’t like, for any reason, or we can point out how far this country has drifted from its (supposedly) founding principles of liberty. We can then discuss the possibility of, for once, fulfilling America’s Promise instead of running like hell in the opposite direction.
If some people still want an omnipotent, omnipresent state practicing coercive redistribution then let them go to ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, where those evil and destructive practices are embraced wholeheartedly, and they can thus starve in harmony.
*If they think the 5.56 mm is frighteningly powerful just wait until they get into the big game hunting cartridge ballistics, and the anti-materiel rounds. Also I’d like to point out that Kris Brown’s description, though lacking in specifics, is mostly accurate and clearly was the result of some actual research. Leave out “magazine attachments” and it’s pretty much spot on.
“Leave out “magazine attachments” and it’s pretty much spot on.”
Well…except for the part about the AR-15 being a derivative of the M-16, which is precisely reversed from a chronological perspective.
And “shot at long distance”. The older 30.06 and 7.62×51 cartridges are better long distance rifles. And any helmet the 5.56 cartridge can shoot through can be punched by most hunting rifles. And almost all modern hunting rifles have muzzles velocities three times the speed of some pistol bullets. And if it’s designed to “spray” that is in conflict with “long distance” (precision).
Other than nearly everything he says, he knows what he is talking about. And everything he talks about is irrelevant to the issue–inalienable rights.
Yes well, “long distance” is relative, even among shooters. A typical rifle is a “long distance” instrument compared to a typical pistol.
I’ll cede the point about “spraying”, unless one sees semiautomatic fire, in general, as “spraying”. In my definition of “spraying” (from a firearm) it would depend on the skill of the shooter. “Spraying” generally means missing your target, e.g. how many times have shooters admonished other shooters for their “spray and pray” technique? He did get the relative velocities about right.
Of course he’s fear mongering for the purpose of inciting a Conspiracy to Deprive Rights, which is the only real issue.
The AR-15 was modeled after the M16.
Also, wet streets cause rain.
AFAIK the AR-15 was a 1956 design derivative of the AR-10.
After Armalite sold the design rights, Colt began production of the AR-15 in 1959 , instituted some design modifications, and began marketing it to military forces. It was adopted by the U.S. Military in 1964 as the M-16.
So for a (simplified) timeline we have:
AR-15 Concept 1956 –> Production 1959
M-16 Concept 1959 –> Production (adoption) 1964.
The same development arc for the M1911, as a matter of fact. And oddly enough, while flag officers carried them in WW2, Colt 1903 Hammerless were not military pistols even though one set off the killing in the 20th century in the hands of a Serbian nationalist assassin.
Kris Brown is not just wrong, he is, to quote Tamara Keel, Fractally wrong.
I remember when the gun grabbers’ claim was that we don’t have any right to possess guns except during service in a militia. Now that SCOTUS has said otherwise, the gun grabbers’ claim is that we don’t have any right to possess guns that are suitable for service in a militia.
The Goldilocks principle for disarming a population.
If I had my way, I could send my minor nephew into a hardware store with cash, and the clerk would grab a pallet jack to help him out to the parking lot with his new M2 heavy machinegun and a thousand rounds of belted, 5:1 API/APIT ammo. No paperwork beyond the regular receipt. This is America after all, where we don’t need anyone’s permission to exercise basic rights.
Herein we see a tactic used by the enemies of liberty. If he’d come right out and said something like, “There is no legitimate right to bear arms” or, “The second amendment is evil” then we’d be having an argument over basic principles. As it is we get dragged into talking about design dates, firing rates, velocities, yak yak yak…
And so, whether the ignorance or the outright stupidity is real or feigned, it has the same effect. This is why, I believe, we see truly stupid people selected for positions in the two parties, and in some police departments and other places, and most certainly in public schools. It gets us so bent out of shape, or so eager to point out the stupidity, that we forget the war that’s being fought against first principles. We’ll come back around to it of course, but after a thousand words of technical corrections and marveling at the ignorance.
I’m as guilty as anyone, and so…well there it is. And don’t knock it; outrageous stupidity works. It’s one of the strengths of the schoolyard bully too, in that it disrupts the normal thought processes, shocking the victim, knocking him off track.
So the next time someone blurts out some nonsense about guns, maybe we should commend him for his determined efforts in steering the conversation onto his own turf, where principles are nothing, fear and deception are everything, and we’re fooled into becoming his technical advisors. That’s really quite an accomplishment after all, so again I ask; who are the stupid ones?
And you know; I think they actually study these tactics in the Jesuit/commie/Regressive schools. I can’t prove it, but I can smell the stench.