What people can do with what they buy at the gun store doesn’t bother me much. It’s what the brilliant molecular biologist who has gone sideways can do in his basement in mayonnaise jars that absolutely terrifies me.
Brett Peppe
December 22, 2015
[I have nothing to add.—Joe]
He makes a good point, except for the terror part. There’s no proper role for fear in any of this.
lol… Even BSA encourages growing cultures for merit, we’re working on a mold culture right now…
That’s basically the plot of Herbert’s The White Plague. Good story. Not happy-thoughts sort of reading.
Related to that, I noticed something on my kindle last night. I was digging through the options. One of them was enable or disable viewing the most common of what others had highlighted when reading it… My immediate thought was that must mean that they are tracking what you are highlighting, and presumably other reading habits as well. And there does not seem to be any way to disable that feature.
They just guaranteed that I’ll never enable my wireless ever again, and only load books on it via cable and drag-and-drop. Creeping big brother is no less acceptable when it’s a private company than when it’s a government. I want an e-book, dammit, not a reading habits surveillance and product-pushing device. JUST A @$%#_)@#U*(#!!!! e-book.
Well, even in the “old days” we were tracking customer preferences as a means of anticipating long term purchasing needs. That process is as old as records keeping, which goes back a bit.
Generally speaking, I figure that my life is an open book. One may glean all kinds of things from it, depending on intent and purpose, and the intent and purpose are on the looker as much as on me, i.e. It says at least as much about the looker as it says about me.
If I’m going to be condemned, my only hope is that I be condemned for the right reasons.
Do you have Netflix? Want to take a guess about amount of information its client collects?
Commercial gene-splicing machines are available on the open market as the older ones are replaced with newer ones. They are about the size of a microwave I’m told and not at all hard to use.