With regards to the weak “but there’s illegal guns” argument, mandatory registration would solve this problem. The federal (or state) governments could issue a six or 12 month window to allow people to register their firearms. All of them. This would include currently unregistered guns — this would be a way to avoid punishment for the crime for the moments and to promote more universal gun registration. If you have an unregistered gun in your possession after that point, you should be slammed with a felony that carries a minimum of 3 to 5 years of jail and heavy fines. No exceptions. No loopholes.
Harrison Finzel
September 2, 2015
Now the time to fight tooth and nail for stronger, more intelligent U.S. gun control
[This is a “textbook” case of Dustydog’s Definition. Finzel doesn’t know of the failure of registration in Canada, New York, Connecticut, and many other countries, Haynes v. Haynes says his plan is unconstitutional, no other constitutionally protected right requires registration, prosecution for failure to register is more difficult than he might think, and it can’t be any more effective than a complete ban which is an obvious failure with recreational drugs.
But Finzel is eager to spend other people’s money to engage in violence against peaceful people for no tangible benefit. I have to conclude he has crap for brains.—Joe]
The guy does not have crap for brains, you are just misreading his motives.
He knows the registration scheme won’t work. He expects that.
What he wants is for gun owners to do 3 to 5 years of hard time for gun ownership, and his registration scheme is a way he sees to make that happen to a lot of gun owners.
When analyzing somebody else’s suggestions, remember that their motivations, desires and expected results are likely very different from those of the guy you see in a mirror.
Also a patchwork enforcement where only *certian* people get prosecuted would satisfy his goals almost as much as putting tens and tens of millions in prison.
I’d bet he would find mass confiscation and mass impirsonment as nice things, but if he can kill the “gun culture” and drive the acceptance and teaching of new gun owners underground… well that’s what he’d really want.
Their problem is less the ownership of guns (they’re often quite happy with the well-to-do and connected having guns). They’re even pretty okay with the underclass having guns (provided they’re criminals).
What they don’t like is the idea of it being an open /right/ to *all* citizens.
A privilage of power is one thing. A secret shame of the downtrodden is another. But the idea that any prole can own a gun, and the state wouldn’t know about it, and they won’t be in legal peril over it, that is the *real* threat
It’s important to remember that for many the adversion to guns is emotional.
He thinks of himself as an intellectual and that makes him feel good about himself (see also the last four paragraphs of this post). He wants to be admired and thought well of. He wants people to tell him how smart he is and how dumb and evil the NRA and politicians are. If only he were in charge…
The way to counter people like this is to laugh at them and “out group” them. Make them feel small and isolated. Telling him, and others, that he is smarter than what it first looks like only encourages him and others.
And he thinks we have enough prisons?
Of course not, he wants execution camps, and that’s why I want guns!
And, of course, Felons won’t have to register their guns as it would be a violation of their 5th Amendment rights as established in Haynes v. United States.
Nor would anyone else, if having an unregistered gun is illegal, by that same ruling.
it doesn’t work before the fact. You have to already be adjudicated a felon for Haynes to apply.
Self incrimation is self incrimination, before or after the fact. What the courts say about may be a different matter, but the fifth amendment is clear.
Exactly. Read the decision, it’s quite clear.
I just love the use of paper violations of mala prohibitum laws that result in punishments that are far worse than those for actual crimes.
Here’s a thought – why don’t we just lock this dipshit up in a nice safe place, like a prison, so he doesn’t need to worry about violence? After all, prisons are completely devoid of weapons (including guns) and violence. He should feel very safe there. Give him an internet connection so he can still spew tripe to the public at large.
Not only does he not understand the 2nd Amendment, but the 5th as well.
Hard to get the gangs to register their guns when you legally can’t force them to so you can arrest them.
Same idea of getting Crack dealers to charge sales tax…or taxing legal Marijuana to prices well above the black market price.
Great idea ! Because people inclined to drive-by shooting,s convenience store robberies, rape and murder are seriously concerned about being charged with an unregistered firearm. The STUPID it burns !
They might be concerned if the penalties were high enough. which is the point Defens made above. That brings up one of my lines, mocking the left;
“Murder is one thing, but do it with a gun and we’ll be really pissed.”
The most current info out of UK/Europe is that they had/have massive non-compliance with their registration schemes. I’d have to look but a recent story out of Belgium noted they did an update of their old registration system and the number of registered guns, that is owned by people who registered them once, dropped by tens of thousands which they have no way of tracking.
Dear Mr Finzel,
Your move.
That was my thought. They haven’t come up with an answer to that statement in WA, OR, CT, or NY with the new laws they’re clapping themselves on the back for passing.
What do they do when we, as a group say NO, and the ones they insist on carrying out their fantasies also say NO. What then?
Then the laws are still on the books and enterprising politicians and DA’s can still nail certian people for refusing to register.
Espeically if someone becomes a political thorne in the side.
Another factor is even if not arrested or prosecuted one still has millions of gun owners living outside of the law. Which makes it harder for them to teach new shooters, purchase replacement guns, and do political advocacy (see previous point).
On the gripping hand, there are only so many police in those states, and only so many who support the law, and probably many more who don’t “oppose” the law as such but feel little need or desire to go through the process required to discover a violation of it.
So still a chilling effect but even in Europe the numbers of otherwise legally held but never registered firearms probably exceed the numbers registered based on the sales and historical data prior to registration. Those that can pass the checks to buy new registered guns and just neglect to mention the others.
There are two kinds of people who push for gun registration.
The evil ones who want it as a precursor to banning and confiscation
and the useful idiots who actually believe it would stop crime.
And no easy way to tell them apart, so for safety we have to assume each of them is the former kind.
(*Psssst!* Haynes v. U.S!)