Quote of the day–Dale L. Gillis

It is distressing to see that the National Rifle Association’s Eddie Eagle Program will be part of the Highlands County Library’s Youth Summer Program. This was mentioned in Highlands Today on July 2.

The NRA is a lobbying organization dedicated to putting more guns in the hands of criminals. As a lobby group, the NRA twists the facts when it uses them at all. The NRA often sues cities and states to advance its radical program. How did the NRA get to be considered a harmless organization that should have access to our libraries and our children?

Dale L. Gillis
July 13, 2009
Gun safety among children
[“Dedicated to putting more guns in the hands of criminals?” I guess that is why they have they have the support of four million members, right? And that is why two thirds of the states Attorney Generals support the NRA lawsuit against Chicago.

“Twists the facts when it uses them at all?” See projection.

Gillis is just another bigot.–Joe]


2 thoughts on “Quote of the day–Dale L. Gillis

  1. What happened to the “kids-are-going-to-do-it-anyway-so-we-had-best-teach-them-to-do-it-safely” argument used to promote sex education in schools?

    “…dedicated to putting more guns in the hands of criminals.” Heh. Dale L. Gillis, you are a funny man. This is what we get for turning the medical profession into a de facto branch of government.

    Lets try that argument on the first amendment. “The (insert your favorite religion here) is a lobbying organization dedicated to promoting suicide cults.”

    How about; “The AAA is a lobbying organization dedicated to putting more automobiles in the hands of drunk drivers, robbers, and homicidal maniacs.”

    Or; “Microsoft is an organization dedicated to putting more computing power in the hands of spammers, hackers and counterfeiters.”

    Maybe we could wrap them all together in a blanket statement Dale Gillis would like; “Liberty promotes pain, crime, destruction and violent death for all, whereas a totalitarian state is pure bliss– peace, happiness, cleanliness and absolute safety where no one ever dies.”

  2. WOW! The anti gunners are crawling out from under the rocks like heat scalded cock roaches lately!

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