Quote of the day–Milton Friedman

History suggests that capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom. Clearly it is not a sufficient condition.

Milton Friedman
[It’s really sad that people are:

  1. Unaware of this
  2. Unwilling to accept this
  3. Or, most likely and saddest of all, don’t want political freedom

For those interested in political freedom I would like to suggest the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and 13th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution would be good additions to capitalism toward achieving political freedom. Although if the Second is uninfringed then the 13th pretty much should be taken care. Isn’t it ironic that our first president with a skin color strongly correlated with slavery in our country wants to continue the infringements that kept those people in slavery? And furthermore the first infringements upon that right in this country were enacted to keep people of that skin color from obtaining and using firearms? Condi Rice gets it. Barack Obama doesn’t. What makes the difference?–Joe]


4 thoughts on “Quote of the day–Milton Friedman

  1. Rust; I doubt one’s ansestry has much to do with one’s political leanings. I mean, it’s not as if there is some racial memory that one inherits along with one’s genes. It comes down to one’s education and understanding of history, no?

    Joe; “[Obama]wants to infringe on the inalienable right that kept those people in slavery?” I’m sure you’re not trying to say that their right to bear arms kept people in slavery. We might say; “Isn’t it ironic that our first president with a skin color strongly correlated with slavery in our country wants to continue the infringements that kept those people in slavery?” or something like that.

  2. “…saddest of all, [people] don’t want political freedom.

    Yes; liberty and equality mean that the people you hate still get their full rights and their full opportunities in life. How terrible. Worse yet, the hustlers, the charlatans and the tyrants get nothing.

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