Quote of the day–New York Times

In some ways, the Supreme Court term that just ended seems muddled: disturbing, highly conservative rulings on subjects like voting rights and gun control, along with important defenses of basic liberties in other areas, including the rights of detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The key to understanding the term lies in the fragility of the court’s center. Some of the most important decisions came on 5-to-4 votes — a stark reminder that the court is just one justice away from solidifying a far-right majority that would do great damage to the Constitution and the rights of ordinary Americans.



In other cases, like the gun-control decision, the rulings might have been more sweeping and more damaging if the conservative bloc had not needed the moderate-conservative Justice Kennedy’s vote to form a majority. One more conservative appointment would shift the balance to the far-right bloc.


If that happens, the court can be expected to push even further in a dangerous direction. It would most likely begin stripping away civil liberties…


New York Times
July 3, 2008
A Supreme Court on the Brink
[Conservative justices threw out the D.C. handgun ban so that people were allowed to exercise a “new” right. And if we have more conservatives on the bench they would do “great damage” to the rights of ordinary Americans and “begin stripping away civil liberties”. What sort of mental problems do these people have? It’s worse than the Nazis who claimed Jews were vermin and literally spread disease like rats and fleas yet they were also in control of the banks and many governments. How can they not see they fail to keep their story straight even for an entire paragraph? It’s like something I would expect to hear from someone in a mental hospital.


I guess we don’t really have to understand them. We just have to defeat them.–Joe]


One thought on “Quote of the day–New York Times

  1. along with important defenses of basic liberties in other areas, including the rights of detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba

    That was my favorite bit. I just know the Founders meant for alien combatants (who are not really even covered under international law) fighting to destroy our very society to enjoy the same rights and priveleges as actual citizens of the United States.

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