The problem, it seems to me, is this. People are pack animals and they want — need — approval from the herd. So, forcing this one-size-fits-not-nearly-everyone way of life down everyone’s throat is detrimental to everyone. Living a life that doesn’t fit is miserable and that misery plays out in unhappy ways in people’s lives.
Jenny Block
March 27, 2008
Open Relationships: What the World Already Has
[The pack animal observation applies to so many things that bug me about people. It is a huge component of the attacks on freedom. From gay rights and gun control to religious intolerance you will find this urge to conform and to enforce conformity playing a big part.–Joe]
Conformity. That would be, “…urge to conform and to enforce conformity…”
Fixed. Thanks. I was in a big hurry this morning.
Oh, I agree. I completely agree.
I mean, the rest of you guys feel the same way, right?
Because, you know, if you don’t, I’m sort of in the middle of the road on this issue.
I think.
LOL. It took me a few seconds. But I got it.
I am honored to be the author of your quote of the day!
Wishing you all the best,
Jenny Block
Author of “Open: Love, sex, and Life in an Open Marriage”