This demonstration today shows that the Negro in the South cannot expect justice in the courts. He must convict his attackers on the spot. He must meet violence with violence, lynching with lynching.
Robert F. Williams
Page 26; Negros With Guns
[There is some amazing stuff in this book. The city of Monroe North Carolina refused to allow blacks to use the swimming pool. The black leaders asked for one day a week hence bypassing the issue of whites and blacks being in the pool at the same time. The city said it would be too expensive because they would have to drain and clean the pool after the blacks had used it (page 15).
The above quote occurred after a white rapist went to the home of a black woman who was eight months pregnant, drove her from her house, and then beat her. He caught her while she was trying to escape down the main highway and knocked her to the ground. Her six-year-old boy was running along the side and when the white rapist beat his mother the boy picked up a stick and started hitting the man over the head with it while his mother escaped. A white neighbor testified in court she saw the incident and that the mother came to her for help with her clothes torn from her. The white man was found not guilty (page 25).
When the blacks armed themselves, and without firing a shot, defended themselves an old white man in the crowd that was previously chanting, “Kill the niggers!” started screaming and crying like a baby (page 10). He then said, “God damn, God damn, what is this God damn country coming to that the niggers have got guns, the niggers are armed and the police can’t even arrest them!”–Joe]
Sadly, this book came from a left-wing publisher, and when Robert F. Williams became a target for southern law enforcement, he fled to Cuba and wound up involved in the whole Black Power communist-tainted revolution thing.
“…what is this God damn country coming to that the niggers have got guns, the niggers are armed and the police can’t even arrest them!”
It seems thay made up for that in New Olreans after Katrina– they confiscated guns from a lot of black people. Interestingly it seems it was a Black Mayor who ordered it. Round and round we go. When do we, all Americans, get to have Liberty?
Triticale, yeah, I know. But there are still some great lessons to be learned and pointed out to people even if our “hero” had some flaws.