How Republicans Started Slavery and the KKK

Quote of the Day

• In 1854, the Republican Party was formed to oppose the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which intended to spread slavery into American territory. Furthermore, Republicans were at the forefront of the effort to demolish the Confederate States of America (1861-65).


• On January 1, 1863, Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which emancipated enslaved Black people during the Civil War.


• The Civil War wasn’t North v. South, as illustrated in the Lincoln-Douglas debates in the northern state of Illinois. It was a Democrat-against-Republican battle.


• The notorious Dred Scott decision (blacks were property) in 1857 was decided by a Supreme Court majority of 7 Democratic justices in favor and 2 Republican judges against.


• After the war ended on April 9, 1865, Southern Democrats who despised Black people formed the Ku Klux Klan. Surprisingly, White Republican militias aimed to eliminate the KKK.


• Jim Crow laws were enacted by Southern Democrat-dominated state legislatures in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century to impose racial segregation and undo political/economic gains made by Black people during Reconstruction.


• By 1900, more than 20 black Republicans had served in Congress. Democrats did not elect a single black representative until 1935. Until 1979, every black senator was a Republican.


• When federal troops withdrew from the South after reconstruction ended, Democrats’ white supremacy laws re-emerged with a vengeance, enforced by the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party, the KKK, which was used to suppress blacks from voting Republican.


• Democrats are also the party of abortion. Planned Parenthood, was established by eugenics racists. • Margaret Sanger, was designed to eradicate the “undesirables,” and this practice continues today, with more black infants aborted in New York City than are born.


• Democrat Woodrow Wilson re-segregated many federal agencies and screened the racist film Birth of a Nation at the White House.


• Democrat FDR, declined to welcome four-time gold medallist Jessie Owen (a diehard Republican) to the White House and incarcerated 120,000 Japanese Americans.


• Against the desires of Democrat governor Orval Faubus, Eisenhower reintegrated the military and imposed school integration in Little Rock. • Democrat LBJ started the welfare state and said “I’ll have those n#@!rs voting Democrat for the next 200 years,”


• Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, both Democrats, promote black victimization. The party advocates racial identity politics as a result of its policies’ catastrophic failure, which continues to harm black people and demonstrates its disdain for blacks.


• Opposition to school choice traps black students in failed schools. Politically correct police has made blacks victims of violent crimes.

• In 2019, 9 unarmed blacks were slain by police (the figure is 19 for white people), whereas over 2,000 blacks were murdered by other blacks in 2018, and Democrats have had monopolistic control of ALL the cities we hear and read about black plight: Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit..


If Democrats truly cared about black people, they would treat abortion as a tragedy, support school choice, work to end the failed welfare state, abandon the idea of defunding police, promote advancement based on merit and character rather than the amount of melanin in your skin.


We need to end open borders that flood the market with cheap labor and steal jobs from black Americans, end their support for minimum wage laws that lead to higher black unemployment and end their social justice mantle.

We have been fed lies, it’s time to be hungry for truth.


For everyone that don’t know me. I take my name serious: the titles are intentionally misleading; liberals are so brainwashed now that the only way to get them to see and accept truth is leading them in with a lie. Thank you all for your endless support. The narrative will break.

The fact that so many conservatives are only reading the title… imagine how many liberals are doing the same and retweeting….

Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives @dom_lucre
Tweeted on January 25, 2023

When Democrats speak of “systemic racism” you should not doubt their claims of knowledge on the subject. They are the experts on it.


10 thoughts on “How Republicans Started Slavery and the KKK

  1. OTOH, given the current rate of black-on-white murder, rape, and assault, and the routine levels of crime committed by black perps, and the dismal academic performance and abilities of many PoCs who are being promoted into jobs they can’t do by affirmative-action, you have to admit the Dems may have had a point. A white Dem run city is peaceful; a majority black city run by anyone is violent.

  2. And the future it will be even worse for blacks. As C said. Race based promotion will only bring racism on the part of their victims.
    If your doctor really doesn’t know what he’s doing? And he happens to be black? Or any other professional one seeks to cure a problem through.
    The communists have gone from promoting racism, to promoting outright hatred.
    A couple of black pilots schmuck a 747 into ground, wither their fault or not. Who and what will be blamed?
    Blacks are having their stereotypes used against them. As a wedge to destroy the only place that ever gave them a chance. It will not end well. But end it will.
    The tribal hell America is about to descend into is going to be epic.
    And hungry.
    When people aren’t looking at the color of your skin. But how tender and mouth watering you appear?
    Somehow I don’t see party politics as being much of a thing.

  3. And for the reparations some seek for black people? One might look up the “corruption of blood” clause in the constitution.
    Beside the fact that slavery was only an united states government institution for what, 80 some years. (We were a British colony from 1619 to 1776, right?)
    And 1776 to 1865 when slavery ended. (With 100’s of thousands of whites died over the matter.)
    The principle stands. One cannot punish the children, for the crimes of the father. Not legally anyway.

    • It’s worth observing that Jefferson, in his draft of the Declaration of Independence, listed British government support for slavery among the charges against King George.

  4. The Emancipation Proclamation freed no slaves as it did not apply to any place where the Union had any power to enforce it. Slave states that did not secede (Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware and Maryland) were exempt as were areas controlled by the Union army in states that did secede.

    It was basically an attempt to disrupt the economy of the Confederacy by encouraging slaves to free themselves and a PR ploy to prevent Britain and France from intervening.

    Slaves were legally freed by the 13 Amendment after CW1 was over but de facto continued until the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s.

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