Quote of the Day
Ultimately, the text of the Second Amendment includes eighteen-to twenty-year-old individuals among “the people” whose right to keep and bear arms is protected. The federal government has presented scant evidence that eighteen-to-twenty-year-olds’ firearm rights during the founding-era were restricted in a similar manner to the contemporary federal handgun purchase ban, and its 19th century evidence “cannot provide much insight into the meaning of the Second Amendment when it contradicts earlier evidence.” … In sum, 18 U.S.C. §§ 992(b)(1), (c)(1) and their attendant regulations are unconstitutional in light of our Nation’s historic tradition of firearm regulation.
Edith Hollan Jones
U.S. Circuit Judge
January 30, 2025
Reese v. ATF.
Still another brick in the wall regarding the right of 18- to 20-year-old people to keep and bear arms. It also helps protect the path to even more laws from GCA68 being declared unconstitutional.
Glad the courts are finally catching on. The scariest thing to all tyrants is a well-trained/regulated militia. Mostly 18-20 year olds.
And they get well regulated by having the freedom of available arms. To use, carry and practice with.
“The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
This isn’t a hard concept for anyone “not communist”.
“In light of our Nation’s historic tradition of firearm regulation.”
That phrase needs to get “ditched”, right next to its communist creator.
2A was wrote to control every aspect of gun control. What was wrote by tyrants before it’s ratification, and most certainly everything wrote afterward.
Anyone seeing it any different is either too stupid to have an opinion on the matter. Or a communist. (Which is just the latest handle give to our generation of tyrants.)
As far as I’m concerned “historic tradition of firearm regulation”, is iron sights. And modern versions are LPVO’s and red-dots.
Anything else is tyranny.
“Another brick in the wall.”
And another brickbat in the head (fortunately just the arguments, so far) of communists and fascists, and all others on the totalitarian Left.