Via Chuck Petras @Chuck_Petras.

I graduated from the University of Idaho. My father and all three of my children attended school there. My ex-wife graduated from there, her mother and one of her sisters also graduated from the U of I.
One of my daughters got married on the campus. I once taught an NRA Personal Protection class in the basement of the building in the background of the picture.
Do you happen to know what they were shooting with? The second woman from the right in the first row has her rifle turned to the side, and to me it looks a lot like a 1903 Springfield in .30-06, which would be a LOT of rifle to learn on.
Was there a .22 trainer version that it might be instead?
I do not know. That was before my time…
Certainly looks like an ’03 Springfield. They made 22 trainers. But that don’t look like one.
Plus, those guns are fairly heavy. Shooting a 150 gr. at 2700 FPS isn’t that bad a kick. That, and that was what was available back then.
That’s what they gave you for civil defense training/programs.
That doesn’t look like a trainer version of the M1903 to me. Plus, every rifle sling you can see in the front row looks like a standard M1907 leather sling like the ones used on the Springfields and Garands.
I don’t remember when Biathlon got reduced from a battle rifle caliber to .22LR, but that might have some bearing on what these ladies were shooting,
As late as 1974 Drexel U had a shooting team, and one of the shooters kept her target rifle in her dorm room on the floor above mine. Nobody thought much other than it was a cool looking gun.