Quote of the Day
This has always been about money, greed, and power. To the NRA leaders and the bubbas, military-style weapons in the hands of Americans are power. The power of overkill. The power to disregard others’ safety, including that of school children. The power to wave a big gun around to substitute for other inadequacies.
Carol Lennox
September 20, 2022
There Is No Greater Injustice Than Supporting Gun ‘Rights’ Over Children’s Lives – The Good Men Project
It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday; it is another science denier (see also here)!
There is lots of opportunity to roll your eyes about in the article. My first opportunity was the third sentence:
I’ve spit buckshot out while eating quail my uncle shot.
She attempts to deflect her critics by claiming she grew up in a gun culture and understands us. Unfortunately for her she demonstrates she really doesn’t know the culture at all. The inadequacies are all in her understanding.
See also Being in favor of gun control isn’t the height of morality – Bearing Arms for more comments about this article.
She wants to go there? Okay, let’s go there.
This has always been about money, greed, and power. To the DNC and socialists, military-style weapons in the hands of civilian government thugs are power. The power of overkill. The power to disregard others’ safety, including that of school children. The power to wave a big gun around to substitute for other inadequacies.
There. FTFY.
And I’d wager there’s significantly more truth to my version than hers. Especially the part about money, greed, and power.
Under her rules, guess me spitting out birdshot while eating ducks and pigeons that _I_ shot makes my opinions more qualified than hers.
Birdshot rather than buckshot is all it takes.