It is About Bullying, not Crime Reduction

Quote of the Day

“Stupidity” may apply in terms of whether they honestly believe such restrictions will reduce or prevent crime, but rights-hating Democrats know such measures infuriate and frustrate gun owners, which is exactly what they want to do. Were they in elementary school, one might argue, this would be called bullying, because they know they can get away with it.

Dave Workman
December 30, 2024
WA Lump of Coal: Dems File HB 1132 Limiting Gun, Ammo Buys

They have been bullying us for decades. I expect it will get worse before it gets better. It will only get better when they start paying a price. I don’t know when or if that will happen, but I know it should happen.

There are at least two ways this can come about legally. 1), they are prosecuted; or 2), the court assigns a monitor to them. The monitor would report to the judge periodically.

I would like to see the politicians and activists supporting this crap spent time in prison. I’m thinking the sentence length should he double the number of days the offending law was in force.


12 thoughts on “It is About Bullying, not Crime Reduction

  1. Or 3) We the People tar and feather these oath breakers who swore to uphold our Constitution when they were sworn into office. The founders committed greater violence with far less provocation. Tree-Rope-Oath breaking politician, assembly long overdue!

  2. A third way is to create a civil rights division in the DoJ that is actually focused on all civil rights including the 2A. It has been a recent development that states with a (pretty ancient) history of voting rights violations haven’t had to get prior clearance for a change in voting laws. So apply this to NY, NJ, MA, MD, CA, WA, OR, HI for any laws about guns. Prior restraint is more effective than having the courts fiddle fart around for years.

    • Ya, the feds could be enforcing 18USC, 241 & 242 on this herd of criminals 50 to a 100 years ago.
      But just like aiding and abiding illegal aliens in sanctuary cities.
      The law only applies to us little people.
      Maybe if Tom Homan is allowed to arrest a governor or two?
      Might raise some eyebrows?

        • Ya, we’ll see. Trump said he would put Hillary in jail also.
          No one has seen the “crying children campaign”, the commie’s have lined out yet.
          The wailing and gnashing of teeth over the illegals is going to be biblical.
          Not sure Trump is up to it.

  3. Thank you Mr. Rex, spot on!
    The real problem here is our sense of fairness.
    Children, you all need to get along. You have to be nice to even the bad people.
    That brainwashing needs to end, In a loud, ugly, grotesque, military fashion.
    And it’s not like our founding fathers didn’t warn us of exactly what kind of people politicians and elites truly are. And what they will do EVERY chance they’re given.
    And as Rex mentions. They showed us the way to make examples of them also.
    And if your reading comprehension is stymied by “shall not be infringed”.
    You can and certainly should serve as a bad example.
    Perhaps we should put up an international symbol for a hanged politician at key locations? City halls, capitals, and political watering holes.
    And if that don’t work……..
    Bullies only learn one way.

  4. We’re told that bullying is bad.

    We’re also told — according to Critical Theory — that “Prejudice == Power + Privilege”.

    These Leftist politicians certainly have the power, and they certainly have the privilege of using it. Therefore, by their own definitions, they are showing extreme Prejudice and Bullying against we whom they don’t like.

    That makes proposing and enacting these laws — again, according to Critical Theory — a “crime of prejudice and/or hate”.

    Alinsky Rule #4: Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.

    When these offenses are prosecuted under 18 USC 241 and 242, make sure to tack on the “crime of prejudice” modifier.

  5. 241 and 232 are all well and good, but this is (currently) a State Matter. Work from the bottom up:
    Official Misconduct
    Duty to Make Complaint (get the Sheriff involved)
    Failure of Duty (get the prosecutors involved)

    *(28) “Threat” means to communicate, directly or indirectly the intent:
    (a) To cause bodily injury in the future to the person threatened or to any other person; or
    (b) To cause physical damage to the property of a person other than the actor;

    • Federal supremacy needs to be invoked for direct violation of Federal law, especially when it involves a enumerated right.

      • Why not both?

        As blogger David Codrea (The War On Guns blog, who also has bylines in several gun magazines) says, “Cum ulla sella in pugno taberna” (loosely: “With any chair in a bar fight”).

        IOW, there’s little reason to be picky about which legal tool we use to take the aggressors down, just that they are taken down.

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