Cut and Paste from the Playbook

Quote of the Day

With just over one month remaining in his disastrous term, Joe Biden just couldn’t restrain himself from once again rolling out his one-size-fits-all gun control wish list in his statement from the White House. Demanding that Congress quickly pass universal background check (registration) legislation and ban so-called ‘assault weapons’ and ‘high-capacity magazines’ in response to this terrible crime is one of the stupidest, but expected reactions from a career gun prohibitionist whose history of gaffes is legendary.

Joe Biden knows 15-year-olds can’t legally buy handguns anywhere in this country, so a call for background checks is irrelevant. Police have recovered a handgun which was used in the shooting, so calling for a ban on semiautomatic rifles and their magazines is also irrelevant and dishonest. Indeed, such demands underscore just how irrelevant Joe Biden and his gun ban agenda have become.

Alan Gottlieb
CCRKBA Chairman
December 7, 2024

To be fair, I doubt Biden had any input into that statement. It is most likely some intern. Someone who does not know the difference between an AR-15 and a Glock 17. Of course, they know even less about the law. They just did a copy and paste from the “School Shooting” page in their playbook.


6 thoughts on “Cut and Paste from the Playbook

  1. It’s possible it was written by a stupid assistant who doesn’t know anything about guns. But it is equally possible that it was written by a malicious authoritarian who knows perfectly well, but is using the “never let a crisis go to waste” theory.

    • Agreed. Hanlon’s Razor — “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by ignorance or stupidity” — is definitely in play here.

      Personally, nothing they do anymore is adequately explained by ignorance or stupidity. They’ve been caught and corrected far too many times over too many years.

      As I’ve been saying: When someone who is “honestly mistaken” is given correction, one of two things will happen — they will cease to be mistaken, or they will cease to be honest.

      They said stupid s#!t. They were corrected. They said it again, they were corrected again, continually, for decades. There is zero excuse for continuing to say the same stupid s#!t. Ergo, they must be willfully dishonest…

      … and if they’re being willfully dishonest, that is not ignorance or stupidity; that is malice.

      • And might I add that the government is prima facia only allowed to operate on the basis of telling the truth. And nothing but the truth.
        And that lying to us is in fact a crime.
        Regardless of how many times they have been allowed to get away with it, or their comfort level in doing it.
        Breaking an oath is to me at least perjury, I would think.

  2. Ya, like congress is going to get right on the for ya, there Joe.
    And not a word about not putting children on drugs that make them homicidal?
    Or teaching them crap for education.
    These people can’t die horribly, soon enough. No matter how it happens.
    But I’ve been wrong about something. (Imagine that.)
    Gun control is the real crime against humanity.
    Communism is just the satanic clown car used to drive it home.

    • I wouldn’t say you’ve been wrong about that. They’re both crimes against humanity, but gun control is a prerequisite for communism, not the other way around.

      Put another way, they can implement gun control without going full communism, but they cannot implement full communism without gun control.

      Your last two sentences are true if you flip them: “Communism is the real crime against humanity. Gun control is just the satanic clown car used to drive it home.”

      • All good. But it seems a distinction without a difference.
        It seems to me that we’ve been under communism for some time now. But they haven’t been able to pull off the gun-control they crave.
        But you are correct, they can’t pull off totalitarian communism without gun confiscation.

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