Finland, the Baltic States and Alaska?

Quote of the Day

We need to reclaim a lot more historic land, restore historical fairness… Finland, the Baltic States, everything is ours. Let’s take Alaska too

Vladimir Soloviev
May 5, 2024
“We have to take back Finland, Poland, the Baltic States, Alaska…”

Funny stuff!

I suspect that is some vodka talking. The last time Russia took a bite out of Finland… well, Ukraine is turning out to be more cooperative than Finland was. Even if Finland ended up being a pushover… all the Baltic States and Alaska? I suspect there would be a vote on that initiative whether Russia wants one or not. Expect the vote results to be delivered to the Kremlin via drone and missile.


10 thoughts on “Finland, the Baltic States and Alaska?

  1. If they take Alaska, they get Murkowski. Russia once colonized CA too. I would be willing to pay them to take that back.

  2. I guess that Putin clone forgot who invented the term “Molotov cocktail” and the occasion on which it was created.

    As for the Baltics, I may have my history mixed up but I think that in centuries past much of what’s currently “Russia” was part of the Kingdom of Lithuania. In Europe, attempting to justify conquest by pointing at history can bite you in the ass when someone else quotes some different (often earlier) history.

    • I think Molotov cocktails were invented in the Spanish Civil War but named by the Finns.

  3. I think we bought Alaska from the Russians. Still have the receipt somewhere…..

  4. PLC actually. And Finland was part of Sweden long than it was part of Russia. Every country in NATO except Iceland has invaded Russia at least once. Russia has returned the favor except for US, UK, Canada Spain and Portugal. Maybe Low Countries.

  5. Funny stuff indeed. If it’s *not* the vodka, then this “hardliner” is fully delusional, and a reminder that clownworld is not merely in the US.

    It is also a warning of what might happen if Putin were to be removed from office. He may be the only thing keeping “hardliners” in check right now.

    • Possible but hard to tell since all the news we get from there goes through the neocon laundry.

  6. There are a LOT of Russians who think this way. With many of them in positions of power and influence. The current crop, led by Putin would love nothing more than to reconstitute the old USSR and make it even bigger. The fuss in Ukraine isn’t just about keeping it out of NATO. It’s about expanding Russia’s borders with “buffer” states. Just like they had during the Cold War.

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