They Are Not Distracted by the Truth

Quote of the Day

Our reverence for the truth… might have become a bit of a distraction that is preventing us from finding consensus and getting important things done.

Katherine Roberts Maher
CEO and president of National Public Radio
2022 TED Talk

See also here.

Those following the gun owner’s rights movement should not be surprised by this attitude. Our opposition certainly gets things done without being distracted by the truth.

I am, of course, reminded that some people can’t handle the truth.


7 thoughts on “They Are Not Distracted by the Truth

  1. It is impossible to find any truth if all your assumptions are false.

    Trump is a Nazi and want to be dictator
    Anyone who votes for Trump must be a Nazi as well
    No right minded people would want to be called a Nazi
    Trump will lose the election

    Guns are only good for killing people
    Only criminals and maniacs want to kill people
    No right minded people want to be called criminals or maniacs.
    Right minded people want more gun control

  2. “Let’s just say that they use their imagination rather than their memories.”
    Their minds aren’t burdened by having to remember facts.

    • One of the defining traits of communists, socialists, and Democrats, is a lack of any sense of real, or actual, human history. This is deliberately cultivated in our schools. This is why they take control of the schools, so they can control the people better. Back in the 60’s, comparing the textbooks to actual school library books was a surprise. Lots of creative writing in the textbooks, but little facts.

      Leftists here in the US seem to have problems remembering what happened just a week ago, let alone years before. I suspect those with this sort of memory development are attracted to the Left, as they don’t have any internal checks to bring up questions about what they see or hear.

  3. Communist distracted by truth?
    It seems more akin to the relationship between vampires and sunlight, to me.
    And the fact that she could say it in front of a whole audience of people is what’s truly amazing.
    Like Bill Gates telling everyone assembled were going to reduce the population and get to net zero carbon emissions through vaccines, and other techniques? Wait…..what?
    You can’t tell me communism is not a crime against humanity.
    It’s a satan’s political system. A murderous cult of domination and destruction.
    The real problem is both Bill Gate, and Ms. Maher, CEO of a major government funded propaganda system told you the TRUTH about what they’re already doing to you.
    And they still have knee caps. Not even a perp-walk.

  4. One can hope they will soon be distracted by being defunded. It is important to target not only the direct subsidies but the tax deductions of their corporate sponsors.

  5. NOBODY at NPR gives a red rats ass about actual truth. And Elon Musk has already stated that they probably are on the DOGE chopping block. Can’t happen soon enough.

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