Quote of the Day
“Freedom from fear” offers freedom from everything except the government. Anyone who sounds the alarm about excessive government power will automatically be guilty of subverting freedom from fear. Presumably,the fewer inviolable rights the citizen has, the better government will treat him. But as John Locke warned more than 300 years ago, “I have no reason to suppose, that he, who would take away my Liberty, would not when he had me in his Power, take away everything else.”
Why not simply offer voters “freedom from the Constitution”? “Freedom from fear” means security via mass delusions about the nature of political power. Painting the motto “freedom from fear” on shackles won’t make them easier to bear. Perhaps our ruling class should be honest and replace the Bill of Rights with a new motto: “Political buncombe will make you free.”
Jim Bovard
October 23, 2024
The “Freedom From Fear” Ticket for Tyranny | The Libertarian Institute
I have nothing to add.
I want freedom from the cities, thus channeling Jefferson. Just as the Founders rejected British colonialism, we need to reject urban colonialism.
Freedom from fear? As you say, NOT!
Interesting slogan, considering everything the communist uses is about being afraid.
The real trick is to always and only to be afraid of what the government tell you to. And never question it. Or seek closure to it. The struggle against it is all there is. Whatever “IT”, is.
No matter how ignorant. (CO2 as a poison comes to mind.)
But it’s a strange brainwashing we suffer. We feel comfortable in government largess. We feel relief when we finally are able to pay our taxes. Get the monkey off our back for a while.
And we find some men of war have made peace with fear. “Death smiles at us all, and all one can do is smile back.”
One might be able to find some relieve in the knowledge of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ. I know I do.
But when “fear of the lord is the beginning of all knowledge”. Sorry, you can dream about it, but you can’t get there from here.
Freedom from fear, Not!
People who believe in the fictional concept of “freedom from fear” are idiots. And sadly there is no shortage of them. What’s even scarier is they drive, they breed and they vote.