
Quote of the Day

Eight years later, after being dragged from courthouse to courthousetwo assassination attempts and being labeled a “fascist” by his opponents daily, Trump has a real chance at another victory against long odds. The Daily Caller spoke to various experts across the political landscape about what to expect if that happens. From violence in the streets, to Democrats’ plans to contest a Trump win, to the media meltdown, to election lawfare from Democratic super-lawyer Marc Elias, they all predicted a much more dangerous and extreme response this time around if the “threat to democracy” is democratically elected.

McGinniss told the Caller he is preparing for unrest across the country that will be more intense than what was seen in 2016. He says nearly a decade of persistent anti-Trump messaging will be an accelerant for extremism.

“[We’ve been] told that, effectively, our country is going to be under a dictatorship if Trump wins,” McGinniss told the Caller.

He predicted that violent activists throughout the country would target the nearest avatar of the government they could find, whether that be federal courthouses or police precincts.

Julio Rosas, a national correspondent for The Blaze who has years of experience covering riots and social unrest, had a similar prediction, adding that migrants who have been let into the country under the Biden-Harris administration may join in big cities such as New York and Chicago. Above all, Rosas said protests can be expected because violent demonstrators have never learned their lesson.

Reagan Reese
October 27, 2024
What Happens If Trump Wins? (msn.com)

Expectations by other people are similar.

I don’t want to be in the city for the next few months. Unfortunately, my employer insists we be in the office four days a week. And, I don’t have an underground bunker in Idaho to live in. It is a lot of work to keep my small camping trailer there livable in the winter. And with two people in it, it is miserable to live in for extended periods.


5 thoughts on “Expectations

  1. Unrest will be in the cities. Coming out of the leftist strongholds is suicide unless the military helps.

  2. And this is why my wife and I now live in TinyTown™, NW Wyoming.

    Coming from the Heart of the Hive™ in Southwest Minneapolis, we’d have had to shoot about 3 out of 4 of our neighbors, depending on how the SHTF. We’d have been swarmed over by the teeming masses of parasites in the city.

    Here in Wyoming the “Democrats” (aka, communists and socialists) refer to themselves as “Republicans” in order to get elected…like Liz Cheney. The only place with a majority of useful idiots is Teton County, which contains Jackson, populated by multi-billionaires who believe that they’ll be eaten last.

    It’s wonderful to have a conversation with a random person in the grocery store and realize that they pretty much share the same value system of freedom and liberty combined with personal responsibility.

    I suggest that we simply let the collectivist enclaves (the cities that have been run by the Dem-wing for 60 or 70 years) burn to the ground when the blue-state governors refuse to either declare a state of emergency or call out their National Guard. Then tell ’em to fix it themselves instead of foisting off the payment for their self-imposed disaster on the productive people of the country.

    • Trump should not respond to requests from Republican governors either until the Democrat mayors grovel.

  3. ” Above all, Rosas said protests can be expected because violent demonstrators have never learned their lesson.”
    Au contraire.
    They got everything they set out to get every time they rioted. And Trump gave it to them. Or let it all happen.
    They learned a long time ago they get whatever they want through violence. That’s how communism works, and it works best on bleeding heart republican man-girls.
    Methinks America is about to get a hard lesson in trying the same thing over again (Trump and voting) and expecting different results.
    The man doesn’t have it in him to be hard enough. And many of the tough choices facing this country over the next 4 years are so far outside the president’s hands.
    Not counting the facts of having his hands tied by staff, lobby, congress, and his own worst enemy, his ego.
    Sorry, when the rhetoric is being jacked to the point of calling a 100 million Americans white supremist-fascist-garbage??????
    You ain’t voting your way out, or back into the once great America.
    Face it folks. For years we’ve been voting for what we considered the lesser of two evils.
    Well now satan has reduced us to voting for the lesser of two morons.
    No matter how you plan? They’re going to act accordingly.
    Anyone see what happened after the little girls got hacked up in England? Whites got arrested, muslims circled the wagons.
    Guess who’s still in England running the place?
    Wait till Trump goes to deport 30-50 million of the new “machete caste”. Not counting the flat-out terrorist?
    Electing Trump just gives them the excuse they been waiting for.
    Sorry Reagan, communist learned their lessons well, were the one’s that ain’t getting it.

  4. Trump has already beaten KamelHoe. He beat her weeks ago. It remains to be seen whether or not he can defeat the ‘margin of cheat’ next week….which will be HUGE. Win or lose things will not be getting better any time soon. If he loses the destruction of America will continue apace. If he wins, the “deep state” will throw up never ending road blocks to him actually accomplishing anything…just as they did in his first term. And 4 years from now they left will have made their “cheat machine” even larger and more formidable. I fear at best Trump buys us a 4 year delay till the inevitable. Any real change to the status quo will require he go scorched earth on the existing governmental structures. And that alone will be amazingly destructive to our peace and prosperity.

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