Prepare for the Worst

Quote of the Day

The U.S. in late 2024, IMO, is one lit fuse away from societal collapse–and there are multiple fuses, all lit. You can take your pick.

So, yes. Know your friends, neighbors, community. As the meme says, “Local, local, local.”

And prep like your life depends upon it.

September 20, 2024
Comment to More Evidence of Astroturf – Area Ocho

I cannot find fault with this.

And have you seen the price of gold (buying power of the dollar)? It is up (down) over 45% (nearly 40%) compared to a year ago.

I want to be in an underground bunker in Idaho before the November election.


4 thoughts on “Prepare for the Worst

  1. “I want to be in an underground bunker in Idaho before the November election.”
    We’re all going to wish we had/were in a well-stocked one of those before this BS runs it’s course.
    Like the guy in Venezuela said. “I had food for 6 months. That was ten years ago.”
    Matt Bracken said it best; “How much food do they grow in your zip code?”
    We have bought into a “just in time”, system that can be turned off in so many ways it’s criminal. And were about to find out why they made it that way. They want you dead.
    If you haven’t planned accordingly? It’s probably too late. Cause ain’t nobody going to except this election as legit.
    That is if we don’t get nuked first. Or Hezbollah don’t turn off the power and the web.

  2. “I want to be in an underground bunker in Idaho before the November election.”

    You’ll miss all the fun if you do, and have no stories to tell the grandkids.

    “Your Grandma and I read books and played cards for a year by candlelight 20 feet underground while eating Mountain House meals.”

    “We used the survival skills we spent decades learnng, and dodged death for months defending the homestead and rescuing friends and family.”

    Only one of those results in creation of a legend, and it ain’t the one about pouring hot water into a pouch of rice and beans.

    Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back on the excavator because I need another 15 feet of depth so the forms can be ready before the concrete trucks start arriving…..

    • The grandkids will be in the bunker with us. The one arriving the day after tomorrow and the one I just found out about today, arriving about May 5th, probably won’t remember. But the other three should.

  3. The way things are looking we may not make it to November before the mushroom clouds sprout. The career criminals would rather start WWIII then risk losing power.
    Most people with the option should be either at or very near their “bunker” by now.
    Once the festivities start traveling any distance will likely be near impossible.

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