You Can Have Grandma’s Gun… IF

Meme idea via MTHead. Image from here.

Never mind the AI gave us a poor excuse for a gun image and granny with five fingers on her right hand.


10 thoughts on “You Can Have Grandma’s Gun… IF

  1. Actually, I should have been more clear. I should have said.” A new meme I saw.” It was not mine. (I would be hard pressed to think that deep.)
    Very sorry. My bad!
    Funny as hell though, thanks to whom did think it up! It’s something that needs to be made loud and clear.
    Gun control was what ended us as colonists. And made us Americans.
    Reestablishing that fact seems to be necessary every generation or two, it appears.
    Once again, my bad!
    Thanks Joe!

    • Yes. Oleg Volk created an image with a couple holding flint lock muskets, captioned “April 19, 1775. An English attempt to confiscate guns from Americans triggered a successful revolution. Dear Congress, that’s a hint.”

  2. Oleg could, in fact, put together an entire series of Americans of various descriptions – all with the correct number of fingers on each hand, not to mention actual firearms – and do it in professional quality – to spread the meme everywhere on the internet.

    Anyone got his phone number?

  3. BTW, there is an Italia family(?) that sports an additional finger on their hands. They have custom gloves made for them, instead of lopping off the extra. Can’t remember if just a family group, or common in that part of Italy. Toes also? I’ve seen hand photos, and it looks “normal”.

    • A tribe in North-east-central Africa* has polydactylism, to.

      *Sort of Southwest of northern Sudan, if I remember the article correctly from 55 years ago.

  4. Just now I thought that perhaps AI gives our manufactured pictures extra fingers on at least one hand to allay our fears that with AI our rulers can make any photographic evidence they want, and make it more convincing than any eyewitness testimony could ever be.

    Sometimes paranoia is a mental illness, and other times to not be paranoid is the mental illness.

    • Hello Mr. Montoya. My name is Bob, I killed your father. What makes you think you’re any better at this business than he was?

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