Quote of the Day
When a cable TV news actor cites some farcical statistic about guns or gun owners, it’s important to understand how that number made it onto the teleprompter. It starts with donor dollars sent to researchers at left-leaning colleges, universities or other groups, who publish reports that mirror their donors’ views, which are then regurgitated by the corporate media. It’s a factory-like process. We don’t have anything like that. We don’t need it. We simply rely upon the truth.
Alan M. Gottlieb
Second Amendment Foundation founder and Executive Vice President
August 5th, 2024
Billionaire Anti-Gun Philanthropists Backing Biased Anti-Gun Research – TheGunMag – The Official Gun Magazine of the Second Amendment
There is a reason the truth is not part of the anti-gun culture. They cannot achieve their evil goals without the lies.
They may not be able to handle the truth, but I think the issue is deeper: they don’t act like the truth matters.
When their plans aren’t polling well, what is their frequent refrain? “We need to work on the messaging”. It’s not a realization that the actual message they’re conveying is unpopular, or obviously flawed to the recipients’ perspective, oh no. There is never any consideration that anything they want to do is in any way wrong, or at least they’re not going to admit to it in public where the likes of you or I can see that moment of introspection.
Instead, it’s always a new publicity campaign, or focus group results or a repackaging. It’s always about the effectiveness of their propaganda. If the public isn’t buying what they’re selling, they need to do their propaganda better.
You see this in a lot of progressive (i.e. continuous expansion of state power) regimes. There is what they want to do, which they don’t talk about in public, and then there is the public perception that they will craft so the public will grant or accede to state the powers to do what the ones in charge actually want to do.
What seems to be bothering the gun-grabbers is the failure of their propaganda to get them the results they want. They’ve aligned all their agents in the media, academia, education, entertainment, top level government bureaucrats, the censors in the newsrooms, search engines, social media, etc. This has worked for other big lies, why hasn’t it worked here?
Turns out that when enough people are living in contact with the truth, it’s hard to sell them on a lie like, “Of course the government can be trusted to protect you, all the time, everywhere, and that’s why you don’t need the means to do it yourself.”
Spot on sir!
They truly do just try harder in a different way, don’t they? Never questioning right, wrong or truth of the narrative.
If it ain’t in the programming? Telling them; this baseball bat is going to hurt; would still be unbelievable I’d bet.
(Be a nice experiment though.)