Prior Restraint

Quote of the Day

We have a serious gun epidemic in the United States, and we must stop gun violence before it starts.

Robert Garcia
U.S. Representative for California’s 42nd District

This sounds to me like prior restraint of a specific enumerated right.

I hope he enjoys his trial.


7 thoughts on “Prior Restraint

  1. “We have a serious speech epidemic in the United States, and we must stop ‘hate speech’ before it starts.”

    “We have a serious free press epidemic in the United States, and we must stop mis-/disinformation before it starts.”

    “We have a serious Bible epidemic in the United States, and we must stop religious teaching before it starts.”

    “We have a serious privacy epidemic in the United States, and we must stop ‘warrant-only search’ before it starts.”

    Or, why don’t we just cut to the gist of what he’s saying: We have a serious individualism epidemic in the United States, and we must stop personal freedom before it starts.

    Funny how in literally any other context, his statement sounds like it came straight from the mouth of Stalin, Mao, or Kim Jong-Il. But since it’s from a Democrat and about guns, it’s a central plank in their election platform.

    Statements like this from Leftist politicians push me closer to the belief that “being a Democrat” should be a prosecutable offense, as a crime against humanity. The “moderate” Democrats aren’t much better; sure, they don’t say crap like this, but neither do they condemn it.

    • Ya, maybe he should try that same line only throw in about stopping the criminal invasion?
      And to me, there is no more democratic party. They all got co-opted by the communists.
      And “Communism is a crime against humanity.” Pure and simple.

  2. And Leftists like Roberto Garcia used to consider prior restraint to be dirty words and a grievous sin when it was directed towards demonstrations that were deemed to be a form of speech protected by the First Amendment.

    Now, of course, their attitudes have miraculously changed. Bloody Communists.

  3. He’s desperate to talk about anything but his communist party accomplishments. Gun control is a dead issue. Even the commies know that.
    Read an extremely good meme today.
    “What part of “God Given”, makes you think I’m asking?”

  4. There will be no trials for anyone on the left. And gun control is NOT a dead issue, never will be. To the left all the legal opinions, all the laws, all the court cases saying 2A is an individual right and we can own guns are irrelevant. They do what they want and do so with complete impunity. They prove this fact every day.
    We are fighting a delaying action to keep our freedoms. As long as we allow leftists to exist they will do everything in their power to take freedom away. Doesn’t matter if they lose 999 times out of a 1000. As long as they win that one time they are achieving their objective.

    • I meant dead issue as far as convincing people, even in some twisted legal sense a communist could dream up.
      Your right, they don’t know how to stop, per se, doing gun control.
      And as you point out they won’t until their dead.
      Which to me is why it’s a real dead issue. It ain’t going to end till one of us is.
      And it seems their importing an army to do just that right now.

      • My plan then, is to learn Spanish. My new neighbors are likely to look at me more favorably then.
        I was thinking it should be Argentine dialect. That can explain my fair skin, blond hair, and knowledge of German.

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