They Never Disappoint

Quote of the Day

Perhaps sensing his time is limited, Maduro has now turned to a Soviet-style playbook of violent repression as his strategy for remaining in office. In the eyes of the New York Times though, Venezuela’s problems come from a different source. The culprit is not the Marxist strongman who’s desperately clinging to power or even the socialist economic policies that have thrust Venezuela into hyperinflation, poverty, and a massive exodus of its population. To Times reporters Anatoly Kurmanaev, Frances Robles, and Julie Turkewitz, Venezuela’s troubles come from “brutal capitalism.”

Phillip Magness
July 30, 2024
When Socialism Fails, the New York Times Blames “Brutal Capitalism” (

The New York Times never disappoints.

It seems they are always able to find a way to defend socialism and communism. Their reporting on the issue of private ownership of guns also supports this claim.


11 thoughts on “They Never Disappoint

  1. I’ve long referred to that rag as “New York Pravda” but it’s disappointing to see that become literally true.

  2. I for one think the New York Times is one of the most important papers in America.
    It’s editorials are insightful and it’s personal have their finger on the pulse of the world.
    At a glance one find out just how deep we, and the rest of the world for that matter, are into the communist crap-hole. Gauge the velocity at which various clown-world floaters are now circling the bowl.
    And be able to completely understand one’s position as the first world collapses back to the third. This Is very valuable information from my lowly perspective.
    Let’s face it, they’re reporting from the leading edge of that maelstrom. With total clarity of their murderous intentions.
    It’s good intel.
    If you’re having trouble? Make a quick study of Alex, Yuri, Ayn, Mao, and Sal. You’ll be reading between the lines in nothing flat.
    And you to will completely love the NYT like I do. (Just don’t pay any money for it, they’re communists, they hate that.)

    P.S. What else was Maduro going to say? Ya, I f–ked up guys, this commie crap doesn’t work.
    I can’t live with myself, I’m going to resign and go jump out of a helicopter!

    • When I read it, do I have to interpret things as the reverse of what they say? Like Pravda or Isvestia?

  3. Only in a NYT reporter’s mind could socialism’s failure be attributed to capitalism.

    Because it couldn’t possibly be because socialism is a failed crap system that just guarantees equal misery for everyone … except the politically powerful and connected. No way. [/sarcasm]

    • What I am curious about is whether the Brutal Capitalism is something Cabezon De Maduro did, or in a moment of weakness allowed his starving people to do, or if it’s something the other countries have done, for example, brutally requiring they receive something of value for giving Maduro money?

  4. Strange days in clown world….

    Alex Jones just interviewed a marxist reporter on the subject of Venezuelan elections. Actually fairly informative. Even suicidally delusional people are not delusional about *everything*.

    “what a world” – www (wicked witch of the west)

  5. Are Venezuelans about to learn that while you can vote yourself into socialism, you have to shoot your way out?

      • To bet against that at this juncture is to, as Jimmy said to Waco in “Sahara”, (1943), “Why,that’s a sucker bet.”

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